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  1. S

    fuck stealth. im 215.

    So, after leaving town for 6 days, and leaving my babies on their own my ac unit's evaporator broke and left me with 2 inches of standing water in my bath/grow room floor... and i live upstairs . I went out to walk my dog and saw wet drywall out of the downstairs neighbors door. I got a 24...
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    N P K levels through growth.

    SO, i understand the basic needs of plants and want to know what sort of npk levels i shoud be trying to achieve with nutrients throughout growth from veg. through flowering. Im growing in ocean forest, so let 5-6 weeks go before any nutes are run with the water anyway. thanks...
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    bullshit discoloration, WTF is goin on

    Not sure if this is a humidity issue, and the local hydro store are a pain in the ass, so im without a thermometer/ humidity gauge for another day. Temp has been consistent not sure about humidity. possibly a ph issue? although PH has been consistent and where it should be. Unless there's...
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    Cali med garden. Any input grately appreciated.

    Not sure if this is a humidity issue, and the local hydro store are a pain in the ass, so im without a thermometer/ humidity gauge for another day. Temp has been consistent not sure about humidity. possibly a ph issue? although PH has been consistent and where it should be. Unless there's...
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    bullshit discoloration, WTF is goin on

    bump? please help
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    bullshit discoloration, WTF is goin on

    Just trying to figure out what the fuck this necrotic looking bs is, only showing on one of 12 plants, and only on a few fan leaves of the one it is showing on .
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    1600 w Purple Kush medical garden, grow journal.

    not sure whats up, but only seeing it on one plant, yellowing of the leaves on the lower growth, buds and top growth still looking good.
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    1600 w Purple Kush medical garden, grow journal.

    SO, is it the space im working in, OR my hurried kick into flowering that makes the light overkill? I was planning on vegging much longer and getting them a bit more spaced out/ trained. Im moving to a new location after this harvest, SO i decided to kick into flowering a bit earlier than be...
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    1600 w Purple Kush medical garden, grow journal.

    indeed, I do. ANy reason I shouldnt???? other than power bill? which is included in my lease???
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    1600 w Purple Kush medical garden, grow journal.

    First time grow, Currently 18 days into flowering. 1000 W and 600 W in a bathroom. Carbon Filter, AC unit etc. for 12 plants. Had a bunch of noob questions, and small issues I came across along the way, just want to try and help anyone that might have any of the same issues. Temps...
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    Anybody else having trouble trying to unload their crop?

    actually, canadians smoke the shitty weed thats grown in canada, the super headies go to the states, to the people who wont bitch about paying top dollar for top notch herb. IN comparison though, BC buds are cheaper on average, Ive spent extended amounts of time in Florida new York, colorado...
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    Cali med garden. Any input grately appreciated.

    For bloom food im running koolbloom, but at very low levels. Just letting the soil do its work like everyone told me too. Any nutes in specific i need to be adding/ considering? ANd should I be concerned about airflow towards soil level? its getting to be a jungle in there and know airflow...
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    Cali med garden. Any input grately appreciated.

    any imput still really appreciated.
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    2 weeks into flowering purple kush

    One question only this time.... Do I need to trim at all to allow for more air flow down towards soil level?
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    4 days into flowering. week 7 of grow.

    Yah, That would be nice, but im legaly allowed 12 matures. so... I keep it in check, THe idea was to keep em in veg for a long time than make good use out of the 1600w action. Unfortunately, im just not comfortable staying in the apartment I am in and expanding/improving my setup as a whole...
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    Cali med garden. Any input grately appreciated.

    Just kicked into flowering, I know I could of held em off for longer, but as soon as this harvest is finished, Ill be moving to a different location, so sooner the better. pics in here
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    4 days into flowering. week 7 of grow.

    First grow, let me know what you think, running a 1000 and a 600 over 12 plants.
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Im sure the question has been asked, but are clones from reputable source going to be female for sure, or do i still have to wait into flowering to know?
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    Cali med garden. Any input grately appreciated.

    Things are looking better, training them to keep a bit even of a canopy. so, how long before I should start 12/12 and flowering, A few are a bit behind, but space is limited, so training is as well.
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    what is dry?

    Well, I am running big pots, not sure on the gallon size. but the top 3 ish inches are fully dried out. and its been 3 days since watering. when i dip my fingers in there all nice like, its moist, but not wet. bout the same if not dryer than fresh out the bag.