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  1. S

    yellowing wilting shriveling leaves, burnt look.. 6 weeks flowering

    none im clueless to the problem and its just getting worse
  2. S

    yellowing wilting shriveling leaves, burnt look.. 6 weeks flowering

    this is whats going on at the top and starting to happen all over
  3. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    this is whats going on alot at the top now and all around
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    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    killz... what i wrote about the 3 times watered with plain water was the last 3 times, and the pics are all from after them.. 2 times just plain water and the 3rd time flushed with 3 and a half gallons... either later today or tomorrow i will have to water it again, but dont know if it needs...
  5. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    without the soil even drying out the plant is very weak, more leaves are doing the same thing on top main cola and around on the plant, and hairs are turning more and more, but bud growth staying at a stop, its not too much heat it stays 70-74 at night and right at 80 during the day with the...
  6. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    well ive just watered it with plain water i think 3 times now the third putting 3 and a half gallons of water through it and it had a lot of run off which had a good yellow tint to it, dont know if that was a thorough enough flush or not though, from what ive read and learned really your...
  7. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    hmm.. well the only thing that started from that bottom and moved its way up slow was the big main fan leaves which would yellow then fall of which was normal, this problem id say started sorta high middle then top, so you think its a toxicity?, what do i do to help that problem?... and now im...
  8. S

    yellowing wilting shriveling leaves, burnt look.. 6 weeks flowering

    need pro help fast.. i posted this once before you can find it under "6 weeks flowering, yellowing leaves..." or just look at my other thread post for all the information, here are the pics someone pro help me out here whats the problem with my main plant.
  9. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    yep scrawny is correct, thing is the growth was going fine and then just stopped then the problems started showing... so if your right and its supposed to do what its doing then me flushing the plant again instead of feeding it will only make problems worse since itd be depriving the plant of...
  10. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    the 4th picture is of the same kind of strain but switched to 12/12 much earlier and is topped, in it you can see the yellowing leaves it will do when nearing the end of its life like mentioned earlier in the thread, so its much different whats going on then just that, the buds on it are much...
  11. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    yeah i mean 2 and a half weeks ago it was pretty and green now its showing all this and the buds not really growing much... could be sativa dom. not sure on that one.. i feel like i should see big fat buds or more bud anyway than what shes got.. i thought about the ph as well and its about 6.7...
  12. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    not near the end of its life, is a little past 6 weeks since hairs showed and about 2 weeks of the problems showing, really the last week is where its been getting bad.. the growth has slowed and the buds are no where near the size they should be especially for the leaves to be doing that... i...
  13. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    its not just affected at the top main cola, that is the worst now, but other shoots are where symptoms showed first, the curl down eagle claw, upside down canoe look, and darking gray id say dry spots and shriveling of leaves, the after cooling with ac and raising light up and watering plain...
  14. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    soft to the touch at first anyway, the leaf blades that wilt and curl up coming out the main cola bud are soft at first but the next day are crispier at spots
  15. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    id think it was heat if the tips of the leaves were also getting crunchy and hard but they shrivel up after yellowing and curl up then the entire leaf blade follows, to the touch they are soft
  16. S

    flowering 6 weeks, yellowing wilting leaves, some with dried up burnt looking spots.

    ive had the temps under control for about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks, they never really went over 86 but i could see how the light was too close, but hasnt been an issue for the last 2 weeks since its raised about 2 feet over the plant and the temp stays around 80 now. so i dont see how the heat could...