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  1. K

    How To Make It In The Marijuana Business From Nothing

    I don't know if your joking or what, but even having 10 4ft tubes, you will yield 80-95% more with 2 1k watt HID lights. Light intensity is directly related to yield. Trust me on this, I've grown with flouro tubes, and it was the WORST yield I've ever seen, less than one ounce from five plants...
  2. K

    Crazy looking mutation.Self topping plant???Why duz my plant have to main stems?

    Funny you should ask, Look at the pics on the second post.
  3. K

    How much will I yield with current set-up! +rep for advice! Pics

    First off, your plants are showing signs of deficency, you need to get that in line before you think about flowering and yield. I would go as far to tell you if you got even a half ounce a plant from the CFL's you'd be doing well. The amount of room doesn't help you with yield, light intensity does.
  4. K

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    You're right, a 400 would be a waaaayyy better value. I've come to learn in this hobby though, most people aren't willing to spend money, period. I figured a $50 price tag may convince him to go HID, because even that crappy little 150 is gonna out perform the CFL's by leaps and bounds.
  5. K

    Growing in HAY

    Yeah, unless it was composted first, doesn't seem like a great idea.
  6. K

    please give some advice.

    I'm not sure what kind of advice you're looking for.. At the size they are, they probably don't need any food, especially being in miracle-gro. Even though it's far from ideal for cannabis cultivation, it does have quite a bit of food in it and will support your plants for atleast a month...
  7. K

    Clone from mother pushing leaves with 9 points?

    Not unusual, where you took the clone from the tip of your mom, that was probably just the next count on leaves for the mothers new growth. Expect to see it on the mom before too long. Leaf count isn't really relevant to anything, I've heard of a plant having three bladed leaves it's whole life...
  8. K

    Nutrients and PH question

    This is vital, most nutrients are acidic, and will drop your ph a good bit. So if you get it to 5.5 then add nutes you will most likely end up in the 4's.
  9. K

    the use of NO nutes?

    Depends, indoor's or out? What kind of soil? How long do you wanna grow the plant? I've heard of people doing short grows with Ocean Forest and not adding a thing. Now I'm not gonna tell you you'll get great results like that, but it's possible. Also, if it's outdoors and you have rich soil you...
  10. K

    quick one

    I've used the HTG light with digital ballast for 2 months now and it runs great, ballast is quiet, barely even gets warm, light is really bright. Its a 600w with A/C reflector, got the whole setup for $300. Once you look around, you'll find that there is a failure rate for all digital ballast's...
  11. K

    How long until harvest?

    You should have been logging your plants days, and when you initiated flowering.. With Gravity you know to cut your regular nutes in half and raise your light a good 6-8 inches, right? Some pictures would really help out in trying to estimate how much of a flowering period you have left.
  12. K

    THC BOMB. I need your input please

    You got seriuos problems if thats what your plants look like under 900 watts of MH..
  13. K

    Brown spots on exile clone leaves. Please help.

    Definitely don't cut the leaves off. I'm leaning more towards deficency, you may be dealing with some sort of lockout. Did you presoak the rockwool with balanced water? What kinda nute's are you using? How long has it been a clone? How did it look before it was snipped? Staying on top of Ph?
  14. K

    little over 2 months ...want to no if they look okey

    Plants are lookin' good, definitely increase the light when you decide to flower. Look around and find a cheap 150w HPS, you can find 'em from $50-$100, brand new. You'll be glad you did.
  15. K

    question about leaf color

    Real 1200 watts of CFL, or equivalent? Edit: There's no real way to speed up flowering aside from harvesting early, and you don't wanna do that. As far as increasing yield, you can start training the plant with LST(or another form) and you can increase light intensity.
  16. K

    hows this look for 3 weeks into flower???

    Looks good, man. Nice and healthy.
  17. K

    Super silver haze ; frisian dew and venus fly trap in soil

    Looks good, I'm watchin the Fly Trap, I have 5 fem that are gettin' popped soon.