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  1. Psychopassive

    Why Did God Create The Dinosaurs?

    God created dinosaur bones as a way of testing the faith of Christian Creationists. The dinosaurs never really existed, god, being omnipotent, just needed to put the bones there and provide all the evidence for carbon dating a few thousand years ago. It's very important that all Christians are...
  2. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    I'm planning to put the cheese in to flower first, so I've taken half a dozen cuttings in the hope that at least one will root, that I can grow in soil as a mother. The cuttings were all taken from the bottom of the plant. I cut the stem at the base with scissor and drop them into a jug of...
  3. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    Here's a picture of the ladies. There's been a difference in the speed that they've grow. On the picture Top Left - Cheese Bottom Left - White Widow Bottom Right - El Nino Top Right - Himalayan Gold The HG is particularly runty and the cheese is looking good.
  4. Psychopassive

    Greenhouse Seeds - Indica Mix E

    Well here we are six weeks later. Just to sum up the past few weeks. After about 1 week the roots started to show through the small rockwool cubes so they were transfered into larger ones. Unfortunately the Big Bud never made it. The seed had cracked and a tap root had appeared but it just...
  5. Psychopassive

    God has sacrificed himself so we...

    Well it's about time the sadistic, narcissistic, homicidal moron did something for us.
  6. Psychopassive

    What do you guys do to AVOID Spidermites?

    The reality is that spidermites are everywhere. You could never completely rid your grow room of spidermites and it only takes one pregnant female to start an infestation. They key is in not giving them conditions in which they can thrive. Spidermites like high temperatures (above 25 c), they...
  7. Psychopassive

    Soaking rockwool before using...

    I soak rockwool cubes in ph adjusted nutrient solution, for about 20 minutes before I use them. I never have a problem. I don't even think that the 20 minutes is really necessary, but I can't say for sure until I've actually tried it. As for the seedling, a photograph and description of your...
  8. Psychopassive

    Buddha's Adventure

    The only thing that I'd say is bagseed is not such a great idea. It's usually there because one of the plants has turned hermaphrodite and fertilized all the females. This gives you a very good chance of producing females that are prone to hermaphroditism. You are going to spend months looking...
  9. Psychopassive

    Weed Plants and Carbon Dioxide

    An oscillating fan does the job a lot better than music.
  10. Psychopassive

    do i have too much light

    The simple rule of thumb for optimum light is 50w per square foot. Apparently the plant isn't able to use much more than that so adding extra lights just increases the heat. Like anything, you can have too much light.
  11. Psychopassive

    looking for clear answers: are shaded fan leaves less efficient?

    As I understand it, most of the production of glucose in photosynthesis occurs in the fan leaves, with their big surface area for catching light and absorbing CO2 makes them the powerhouses of the cannabis plant. They supply energy to the growing buds and to the roots. Buds and Roots are "energy...
  12. Psychopassive

    trim questions

    There's nothing to trim at the moment, they all look like good sea of green single cola plants. I'd leave them as they are and put them into 12/12 now. Congratulations by the way, nice crop.
  13. Psychopassive

    spider mite trimmings?

    I've smoked plants that had been infested with spidermites. I can't honestly say that I noticed any difference.
  14. Psychopassive

    Don't try this in the car guys

    Extreme masturbation is the latest extreme sport to turn popular. The world champion is actually a pilot, who wouldn't be so popular if people knew the real reason that he had to ditch his plane in the Hudson river.
  15. Psychopassive

    Power Outtage

    If you grow in hydro, a power outage can be a serious problem for some systems. In soil it's unlikely to have any significant effect on the plant. As long as temps don't go down to less than 10 degrees C it won't be a problem. Plants can easily survive a few days with no light.
  16. Psychopassive

    light leaks from air intake /air flaps of homebox ?

    I use a homebox but keep it inside a dark room. If I put the lights on and close the tent, I can clearly see the light through the air vents and the zip. That IMO must be a two way thing, so I keep the room that contains the home box in darkness during lights out.
  17. Psychopassive

    Preparing rockwool

    That's not been my experience. I start all my cuttings and seeds in rockwool cubes, and I usually get 100% or very close to that in terms of success. It's not just me, every grow shop in the world sells rockwool If it didn't work, somebody would have noticed by now.
  18. Psychopassive

    bloom juice? need help!!!

    They're all the same, except that you pay a premium for some brands because of marketing. I've seen people get better results with miracle grow than others have with hundreds of pounds worth of advanced nutrients with names like "bud blood overdrive super giant dong". It's bullshit, as long as...
  19. Psychopassive

    turning lights off 24 before harvest???

    I keep the plant in 24/0 for the last three days of flowering. During the last two weeks, depending on outside temps I'll sometimes set the timers to a five day week. Lights on 23hours 22 minutes and off for twelve hours. That gives the plants an extra 48 hours of light.
  20. Psychopassive

    What would be the 1 tip you'd give to a newbie grower?

    Nobody needs to know about your grow unless they're living with you and you can't hide it from them.