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  1. Q

    Attitude - Barney's Farm Red Dragon

    They look gorgeous Gaines :D is there a scent of guava?
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    Any fan of hip hop, phycidellic music, open minded meaningful music

    Awesome! A fellow hip hop head! :D "jazz, hip hop, fantasy soundscape" are among the beats i listen to. I also like some songs that are pretty mellow and yet.. funky..? (best word i could use to describe :p) I've never heard those artists/songs before dude. Thanks for sharing such great blaze...
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    The 1000 Things To Do While Stoned Thread!!!!!!!

    25) Watch discovery channel in HD 26) Listen to music 27) Lie down & watch the clouds
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    101 Already Asked Questions

    Thanks VictorVicious :D Didn't know you can pick the currency :p
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    101 Already Asked Questions

    I have a question about ordering seeds online. The site i want to buy from takes euros, rather than USD's. Can i still play the equivelant amount of euros in USD's via credit card? Whats the typical payment method for ordering seeds online? As a first time grower, I'm hoping to play my cards...
  6. Q

    Small question...?

    I saw a video tutorial on the specifics on CFL's, as well as lights in general. Check it out, maybe it'll help
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hello forum community. :) Just wanted to say "hey"
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    Attitude - Barney's Farm Red Dragon

    The red dragon's appealed to me too. Can't got wrong with guava fruit. :) I'm a first timer to both this forum, as well as growing. And I wanted to try the red dragon's as my first plant. I'm eager to see your progress with them.