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  1. S


    thanks sicc...any idea on where i can read-up on it? I can't find anything for some reason...maybe its this :joint:
  2. S


    hey sry i dont mean to butt in to this thread and steal any thunder but does anyone know if i can start 12/12 and sex and then go back to vegging? The babies are only about 4 weeks and I want to veg them all summer
  3. S

    My First CFL, =0

    lookin good acidburn...i'll def be pulling up a chair and following this grow. I just hope my mind doesnt wonder to much :joint::razz:
  4. S

    3 week old plant purple?

    i think i might have some pics that are similar...a buddy of mine has the same problem. I took these this morning with a shitty camera so plz excuse the high quality pics. :clap: