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  1. JohnWayneCFC

    Question about Potting & Mother Plants.

    Well thanks for your opinion , but i got all the space / time / energy i need , trust me on that one , if i was worried about all of that i wouldent be growing lol , its for medical perposes , and its legal , so as to my question , anyone??
  2. JohnWayneCFC

    Question about Potting & Mother Plants.

    I was just woundering if a 20cm pot would be big enuff to hold a mother plant? , its still in veg and still small , but i want to be prepared for when i take clones and keep her as a mother, i just started feeding her today , starting with half a teaspoon of Merical Gro , ( i know its not the...
  3. JohnWayneCFC

    tried this in newbie central with no luck...yellowing leaves....

    no , in my personal opinion , its fine , just flush it then start feeding with just water for a week or 2 , then whenever you think shes ready to come down do it up , im sure it loosing a little bit of colour wont harm it much , i never worried to much about it with my grows and it all turned...
  4. JohnWayneCFC

    tried this in newbie central with no luck...yellowing leaves....

    I would just flush it agian , dont add any more nutes or anything , just plain water , your leaves are turning yellow because its life cylce is coming close to an end , the yellowing is fine , aslong as it dident happen befor or when you started flowering , but if it already flowered then it...
  5. JohnWayneCFC

    When Should I Start Using Nutes?

    I got a plant that is about 3-4 weeks old , and i was woundering whens the best time to start feeding nutes?
  6. JohnWayneCFC

    Is This Looking Good For 2 Weeks?

    So i just put an extra CFL in my grow box , and it grew 2-3 times the size in 2 days , i also made a new door for my grow box , it still needs a little light proofing , but for now it will do heres a couple pics of the plant now and my grow box
  7. JohnWayneCFC

    Ideal Stealth Grow!?!

    you want somthin about 3 to 4 feet wide , 2 to 3 feet deep , and 5 to 6 feet high or lower , depends on how big you want to grow them , i have a 1 plant grow box that is 2 feet high 1 feet wide and 1 feet deep and its perfect
  8. JohnWayneCFC

    How am i doing?

    Gongrats on the grow bro , That first plant is lookin REAL sexy! , i wouldent worry too much about your leaves turning yellow now , as "mcpurple" said the only time you need to worry is if this happens befor or when they start to flower , from (personal expeirence) i would say that just means...
  9. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    well now atleast i know what to do lol , somtimes i just do things without thinking it through till its done then i realize i messed up , thanks for bein so patient with me lol, ill have to make up a new door and back panel and do it that way lol
  10. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    i know ha , i was actually thinking about that when i was doing it , i was thinkin about putting both exhausts on the top left and right corners on the back of the box and then putting the intake on the bottom of the door
  11. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    Alright , so i took the back to fans and made them so that the air inside the box was blowing out through the back through both fans , and then i installed another fan on the front door that is blowing air in , hope this helps with the temp lol and i did a hack job with masking tape , but im...
  12. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    well my one fan (intake) is a is a 12v hooked up to a 12v dc , and my outake is the same , i have both fans hooked up to seprate dc's cuz when i had them hooked up to the same one would be slower then the other
  13. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    true that man i actually never thought of it like that! , thanks alot man! how many exhuast fans you think i should put in , i already have 1 , should i put 2 more in?
  14. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    so i should have more air blowing out then?
  15. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    Theres a pic of my Thermometer , i bought it for like 15 bucks at a hardware store , and im thinking i might put 2 more pc fans in my box , 1 on each side , i have one fan on the bottom blowing air in the box then i think ill put 1 on the left side blowing more air in and one on the right...
  16. JohnWayneCFC

    Need Help With Temp! Plz

    Hey , so , i was woundering if its ok if my Temp is at 70- 80 , mostly at 80 but never higher , is that ok?
  17. JohnWayneCFC

    Can you turn a female clone into a male? +rep for help!

    i would tottaly laugh if the idiot who sold him male clones thought that they were females , and was smokin balls the whole time an thought it was bud , i hope thats what he thought , cuz hes a fuckin dick yo , con artist fo sho! the best you can do is just spread the word an let people know to...
  18. JohnWayneCFC

    New planters (5 weeks and 3 weeks with pictures)

    yeah man , if you were to keep them (witch i wouldent) , but if you were ,deffinitly get real pots , they are probably like that because the pop bottles are see through , and light is hitting the roots so its stunting its growth like crazy , im shocked they arnt dead (no affence) , but...
  19. JohnWayneCFC

    Leafs Curling Up?

    well its all good , thats why i like this site , we come here to try and fix are mistakes with the help of everyone on here , i thought it would have been Mg too , but the only thing it had that show'd it could have been Mg was the curling leafs , but thats it , and the heat thing kind of makes...
  20. JohnWayneCFC

    Leafs Curling Up?

    i tottaly apreachiate all the info from you guys , but im with Tom_420 on this one , but if it ends up being Mg then atleast thanks to doitinthewoods ill know exactly what to do , but i DO think its from the heat because i had my grow box in a different location in my house and the temp was...