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  1. S

    please help im new and im in a BIG jam

    Jesus christ you're stupid. Why don't you sell your computer, sell whatever you bought for this project, get a job, and then maybe attempt to take on such a huge hobby farther down the road. If you're just trying to grow for personal use throw a plant in a window or something, don't grow 30...
  2. S

    need to know grape ape yield

    There's one way you can know for sure but it might take a little while to calculate...
  3. S

    nute burn?

    It's slowly been doing this more and more since the start of flowering. I should be picking up flowering nutes tomorrow but I haven't had enough time to get out to the hydro store yet.
  4. S

    nute burn?

    I've been flowering for a week or so but I haven't given it any nutes since the first day of flowering (I gave it veg nutes). So could this just be delayed nute burn from the last feeding? I know the fan leaves yellow and die off during flower but this seems a little too intense
  5. S

    1 Year old plant?

    my bad haha forgot we were in the outdoor thread :dunce:
  6. S

    1 Year old plant?

    It's possible... I've seen mothers that were approaching 3 years
  7. S

    10 plants Gone outta Back Yard.

    Are you fucking kidding me? If I ran over a trap like that while out riding I would trash the grow out of spite and leave it in a worthless little pile. If you think endangering everyone who happens to ride by your little operation is a good idea then you are a fucking idiot. :wall:
  8. S

    good outdoor strains

    I would say avoid seeds if you can. You said you're buddy goes to the club so just ask him if he can pick up some clones there for you. That way you get guaranteed females.
  9. S

    what will happen

    Do not grow the plants in the same pot. You're saving maybe $5 and you're sure to run into problems.
  10. S

    some one tell me if this plants look good

    He said "a half o to a pound and a half" If you can't tell that he was kidding you're smoked out bongsmilie
  11. S

    Mite season

    haha wow i lol'd pretty hard at that paragraph coupled with your avatar
  12. S

    So there's a fire near my house... and it's raining ash

    Haha I'm in SB too. :-P Unfortunately I am flowering but I'm only at the earliest stage (several calyxs emerging from nodes) so I doubt it will have too much of an effect. Thanks for all the responses!
  13. S

    So there's a fire near my house... and it's raining ash

    What should i do? how will the ash affect my plant? I brought it in for tonight but I have no way of giving it light tomorrow other than the sun... here are some recent pics of the plant to give you an idea of size/maturity.
  14. S

    Any ideas on what this is

    Looks like spider mites. Check underneath the leaves and near the stems for little orange or off white spiders. Also, look for webbing or little white eggs along the middle of each leaf.
  15. S

    low flyovers

    tell your friend to cut and run :-?
  16. S

    Honey when should i start

    Separate your thoughts by using complete sentences.
  17. S

    Spider mites and lady bugs before harvest

    get rid of those creepy uncles
  18. S

    Seedlings - Very Slow and Twisting

    woah threadjacker :roll:
  19. S

    1st Grow (Stealth Box)

    turn the light off.... you only need light if there are leaves above ground :)
  20. S

    Cali Kush 1st Grow

    subscribin fo sho