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  1. K

    possibly bugs???

    could be leaf miner, or a beetle borer is theres a cocoon type tunnel on leaf?you can get a good overall idea if you happen to have access to cervantes growers bible. good luck and speedy recovery
  2. K

    How much could I possibly yield?

    yea man gettin' busted sucks. but getting extorted and busted??? Now thats just plain hatin'. quick ques. does anybody know how to post a pic? got some pics of some nugs from bag seed. she's bout 2.5 months and growin' great for the setup. any help guys?
  3. K

    Your Stoner Lingo

    hey webber man, where you from? in the midwest we say say smokin' the spliffity spliff or if your high already, i say im dummy chopped.
  4. K

    HELP! Leafs curling and droping (PICS)

    from my experience man, your soil has good moisture content, but bogs down after watering, fluff the top half inch or so after watering. make sure you got good drainage, and air to the roots. next step, try cutting back on the water or pick up on watering. Looks like their not getting enough...