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  1. Tibby123

    Blue Moonshine *LST**250W MH** 2nd Grow

    that is gonna be DAAANK. lol looks great man, good job on the training.
  2. Tibby123

    Next to be best... 3rd attempt

    unless your reallly pressed for space i wouldnt recommend using plastic cups for the entire life of the plant, if thats what you meant. It might work, but the more room your roots have, the better. good luck and happy tokin.
  3. Tibby123

    Help! Ive fallen and I cant get up!

    Thanks rollitup! Im off to get some new shit.
  4. Tibby123

    Help! Ive fallen and I cant get up!

    the problem started before i gave them any nutes, so i doubt its a burn problem.
  5. Tibby123

    Help! Ive fallen and I cant get up!

    i was thinking about ph issues, but i dont know my ph and i dont have a meter or anything. i thought i wouldnt have to worry about any of that complicated BS, lol, but these plants are some fussy mofo's
  6. Tibby123

    Help! Ive fallen and I cant get up!

    Pics, for your diagnosing pleasure.
  7. Tibby123

    Help! Ive fallen and I cant get up!

    its back to the help thread for my noob ass. my plants lower leaves are yellowing, bad. i had this problem early on, but it seemed to fix itself. now the spots are back again worse than ever. i thought it was an N deff. since i hadnt fed them anything before, but i gave them some nutes, 1/4...
  8. Tibby123

    Any ideas?

    Also, do these guys look little for almost 4 weeks? I dont know if im just imagining things or if these guys are growing really slow
  9. Tibby123

    Any ideas?

  10. Tibby123

    Any ideas?

    8" diamteter, not sure the depth
  11. Tibby123

    Any ideas?

    Pic 1: crappy picture, one of the leaves has a small yellow spot, and the veryvery tips of 2 of its leaves are turning Pic 2: all of the plants...durrr Pic 3: this is the one that perked up after i watered it as an experiment, its has that one big spot, but it stopped getting bigger around...
  12. Tibby123

    Any ideas?

    Its pretty early/late, but i just got batteries for my camera, so i had to post this. This is gonna be kind of long. I transplanted my plants on wednesday, today being sunday, and Ive been having trouble with them ever since. The soil i transplanted in was pretty moist, but i watered them...
  13. Tibby123

    First grow, CFL all the way (crappy pics)

    i was planning to transplant as soon as i saw roots, but uve got me sketching now, so i made a temporary fix until i move them into better pots. Also, i have some questions about the watering issue if anyone would care to help. First, if u can tell at all from the pics, do these guys look...
  14. Tibby123

    First grow, CFL all the way (crappy pics)

    So this is the early stage of my first setup. My friend pretty much took my materials and threw together this setup while i was at work yesterday, and gave me 6 of his young plants(unknown strains, mostly bagseed). I like it for this stage, but i dont have much of a way to adjust the lights as...
  15. Tibby123

    Quick soil question

    curious to hear some suggestions on this one, sorry im of no help.
  16. Tibby123

    Should I kick these babies into flower?? (Scrog content)

    How long have you been vegging? ur supposed to wait until the screen is 70-80 percent full to go into 12/12, from everything ive seen, and ur girls havent reached the screen yet, might wanna give em some more time.
  17. Tibby123

    My first grow. Rubbermaids CFL

    Hows it goin BT? im about to start a grow in my closet using a rubbermaid tub, glad to see someone representin rubbermaid, lol. beatifu; plants though, definitely subscribing
  18. Tibby123

    CFL Scrog setup, opinions?

    nobody? also, ive come up with a new solution for my screen dilema im putting the pots directly into the rubbermaid tub intstead of growing out of the lid like most of the rubbermaid scrog grows ive seen (i seem to be the only soil grower reprezentin rubbermaid lol) ...anyways, to the point...
  19. Tibby123

    CFL Scrog setup, opinions?

    Im planning on starting my first grow soon, its gonna be a soil, scrog grow, with 3 plants under 6 26w CFL's (ill be adding more lights during flowering). how do u guys think this will do? Is Scrog even feasible with CFL's? im growing in a rubbermaid tub, in 3 sepperate pots. Im hanging the...
  20. Tibby123


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