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  1. El Pombero Obscuro

    A Newbie having problems with a Newbie Plant.

    Ok, i'll try to forget it xD No, i'm not using any nutrients now, only Mineral Water. When she's on her Vegetative State, i'll start watering some nutes like Nitrogen. The medium contains various nutrients... But if she grew up 'till this point, i don't think that it is related with the medium...
  2. El Pombero Obscuro

    A Newbie having problems with a Newbie Plant.

    And how can i do that without damaging her? Remember, i'm no pro xD I'm one of those people that are always afraid of damaging their plants, so they don't even touch them. By the way, can i trim the leaves which are dry on the tip so that new tips are born?
  3. El Pombero Obscuro

    A Newbie having problems with a Newbie Plant.

    Yeah, you're right. They're big alright xD
  4. El Pombero Obscuro

    A Newbie having problems with a Newbie Plant.

    Hi there. I'm planting for about 3 weeks now, and, at the beginning, i planted 4 seeds. Only one survived. The seeds are from an unknown origin, and i wanted to give them a try, since a friend offered them to me. So here goes the damn problem with the survivor one... Growing Info: . I'm...