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  1. W

    Powdery Mildew 7 weeks into 12/12

    Stillnl, you are a fucking idiot. Eagle 20 is an awesome systemic but it's super toxic to humans. Using into your last weeks could seriously harm anyone who smokes that bullshit
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    Browning/Redding Stems?

    i think your plant is trying to kill its self. That light is the bane of that things miserable life. You need a Hight pressure sodium light. If youre doing 1 plant go pick up a 150W HPS light kit. Dont buy a LED or anything else anyone recommends to the contrary. LED's are still in their infancy...
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    Pineapple Express, Day 8, Drip System. What's wrong? First time grow.

    lower your PH to 6 and cut the nutes back a bit. Probably giving them too much juice
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    It's not that I'm lazy, I just really can't...

    dont bother unless you buy a grow tent (so you can sleep in the same room and only expose the plants to 12 hours of light, any more and they will switch back into vegetative growth). buy a ventilated hood for that 600W HPS light, it sounds like space will be an issue and i bet heat will be too...
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    When should I switch from CFL to Metal Halide!?

    MH blows all around. Its a waste of electricity. Go HPS all the way and never look back. I could be wrong, but im not :)
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    Trim or not + rep for help

    Dont do anything until you're ready to flower. That thing is still a runt. Any trimming would be counter productive. The only real trimming you should do IMO is when you're lolipopping just before flowering.
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    Best soil and fertilizer

    The Nutri+ line is fucking awesome. Any Fox Farm soil is great. You'll always have additives for the later stages of flowering but Nutri+ is pretty badass
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    Noob need help 3 week into flowering with pics

    Flower 8 weeks at the earliest. 5 weeks is way way too short. Go buy a pocket microscope and look at the trichomes. When half of them are cloudy and half are amber in color, go ahead and chop. Be sure to give yourself a 2 week window to flush your plants with nutrient free water or else the...
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    In Need Of a Los Angeles Area Dispensary With Clones

    Could someone PM me some good ones in the west Hollywood area? Im getting tired of the mothers I have.
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    Re-vegging a poisoned plant 4 weeks into flower?

    im revegging now. Pics to come soon. It was a smaller plant and i think he fed them before they were ready. Im using big bud so two close helpings on a smaller plant is probably what overloaded it.
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    Re-vegging a poisoned plant 4 weeks into flower?

    I had a friend of mine look after my girls for a few days while I was out of town. I dont know how but somehow he managed to fuck one of them up royally. It looks to be like she was hit with way too much phosphorus and as a result, all of the hairs yellowed and 80% of the leaves died. Im in week...
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    Purple kush finishing WAY too early

    most of the leaves have died, the plant looks like it can survive but my harvest would take a major blow. Im going to try to reveg and get some foliar growth back then flower again. It might not be the best idea but 5 more weeks of flowering with 80% of the leaves gone or dying seems unwise. I...
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    Purple kush finishing WAY too early

    So i recently went out of town leaving my girls under my roomaes care. I mixed a bunch of nutes and told him to just feed them every 3 days like i normally do. Simple enough. I was gone for a week and I came back to find 3 of the 4 plants looking fine. My purple kush plant however (in week 3 of...
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    Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

    if you buy any of those....just dont. dont be an idiot.
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    First Time "Big grow" failures or success?

    Yea having a 10,000W first grow is retarded. Get someone who knows their shit to help you set up and hire them as a full time gardener. Youre going to end up with a bunch of dead plants or crap weed by the end of it. You will waste tons of money on electricity and space. Go to any hydro shop and...
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    hey everyone this is my indoor grow setup

    The only non asshole thing I can say is search for Mr.Green's 9 part video series on youtube about starting out. That got me ready after I did a solid month of reading. Burn this entire set up. Did you wrestle those cups away from a pit bull?
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    What can you do if the cops come nocking?

    Move to California then tell them to come check them out.
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    Dude you make the argument like you had 5 plants in your closet. I would call you an idiot and tell you to have fun in prison, but I knew of a guy that got busted with a warehouse full and he got 5 months house arrest. Good job on giving the state ammo to go against those who operate within the...
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    All this talk but no pics to back it up...

    I flower with T5's and wind up with baseball bat sized colas every time man.