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  1. D

    First grow, 2 weeks in, need opinion on what's wrong

    Hey guys. It's been a few more weeks now, so I'll get to what's new: Despite my best efforts, including adding another fan, the four stunted plants slowly yellowed and began to wither. However, that still left me one plant, so I began dedicating all of my attention to it. It was only a...
  2. D

    First grow, 2 weeks in, need opinion on what's wrong

    I'm close to the equator, and now that summer is approaching I keep the AC on all the time (set on 77). My grow box is in the closet, but even with the doors open (and even with the box door open), the inside temp never seems to budge. I'm sure investing in another fan will see a big...
  3. D

    First grow, 2 weeks in, need opinion on what's wrong

    Thanks for the reply. The soil I use claims to be 100% organic, and Fox Farm seems to have garnered a loyal Internet following, since I see them recommended in many forums. I'll be taking steps to lower both the pH and the temperature. I'll pick up a pH Down solution later today, as well as...
  4. D

    First grow, 2 weeks in, need opinion on what's wrong

    It's been two more days, and there is still no change whatsoever in the four "stuck" plants. The healthy plant continues to thrive and put the rest of them to shame. I need some more ideas on why this is happening, because I was planning to move to flowering in 2 weeks, but may have to...
  5. D

    First grow, 2 weeks in, need opinion on what's wrong

    I didn't know the pot size affected growth. I thought if anything it would be good for the plant, having so much room to grow. Regardless, there's still that one plant that hasn't seen detrimental effects and I'm not sure why. Also, I keep the light ~20" above my plants right now...
  6. D

    First grow, 2 weeks in, need opinion on what's wrong

    Yes, the pots are excessive, but this saves me from having to transplant from a dixie cup or something later. I'm not sure how deep the roots go, but the soil around the base seems damp days after I water, so really if anything I was concerned with overwatering. What I should have done is...
  7. D

    First grow, 2 weeks in, need opinion on what's wrong

    Hi all, I'm new to the forums, and to growing, but after doing a lot of research I finally decided to start 2 weeks ago. However, I've hit a snag - one of my plants is doing great, while the other four appear to be stuck doing nothing. Here's a photo...