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  1. C

    What nutes should I use with my plants. (pics)

    just give it milk...jk.
  2. C

    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    lol dont worry I sound kind of stupid online but I'm thinking real good all calm right here. I bought 6 seed for 5 dollar My Mission is for my plant to produce more than 6 seed. I will probably see some bad result but in the end of the day as long I get more seed than what I bought then I will...
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    Listen my friend maybe I wasn't born with a normal speed rating brain but I did read alot of the stuff from the FAG(Top right) but I really don't understand 100% of what is saying such as this.. where; I try real hard in my spare time, but right now I'm looking for a job, and well let just...
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    Can somone tell me what is hermi, hermie? Can you plant more than 1 seed in 1 pot? please help,my appreciation. thnx .
  5. C

    Huge grow room inside a cave

    dawm police.....The Marijuana grower are my hero
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    Is it possible to make a pot out of a plastic cup? Even though is small and I have to water it more then.............. Can it be done if I make a little hole in the cup to make it like a pot????
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    wait wait... I thought that was a bad idea?? someone answer this for me please. Can I grow my weed indoor until It get a foot tall and then put it outside(with a pot of course) ??? Won't that stressed out the plant and if so can I really grow it indoor using the sunlight through a window...
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    I just planted 2 seed the problem is since I want it to be cover by other plant, I'm worry what going to happen... Because as I was digging a little hole to plant my seed I got some root of the other plant, I broke it and got it out but I'm sure there more root deeper where my baby going to...
  9. C

    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    Since you water the plant every 4 or 3 day in a big pot. How many time you water your plant if you are growing it out of the soil from the Earth?(no pot) How can I tell If I'm watering it too much if I'm not using a pot????
  10. C

    kill plants or wait till death

    To kill it............. you just take out the plant with your hand, taking out the root or you have to do something carefully? How you know when to kill it? Harvesting the plant whenever is ready?
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    I'm sorry if i talk like a pendejo.......... English is not mine first Language.... thnx. I will read more and ask more so I can be ready. I plan to grow my first plant tomorrow and keep planting until I get good at it and be ready. I got a forest to cover me so I'm good, and I never been...
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    growing weed in prison new help

    lol this foo is funny. good luck
  13. C

    Smoking Weed A SIN?

    I had wonder the same thing before... This is my opinion Since God put weed like any other plant in this Earth for everyone then I believe he had a purpose. Back in time before the European came in the West from Europe the Aztec,Mayas,Incas, and other Civilization(I dont know the rest..) had...
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    New Dope

    true.... But I dont really love money.
  15. C

    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    I have read all the newbies question in the section(dont ask about my time) but the reason I had asked these question that were probably question before is because the answer kind of confused me, or I didn't really understand it correctly.... The reason why I ask if you feed it with milk lol...
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    kiss-ass Finally someone answer my question. THANK you. I'm wondering if I have to water my plant everyday? My friend told me almost everyday,and some told me not to water it too much.. I want to water it with water not milk lol but is it everyday? is 1 gallon of water ok each day? how...
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    How many time I have to say Im a new beginner? I came here to learn everything I can. I may not have grown before but it never to late to start, and I sold weed before years ago but never grew it myself. Just please answer my question because I got alot of different answer, not sure what is...
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    I understand the milk part was stupid but I'm serious about it. I had read the 101 question,but I asked my question because I didn't understand some of the answer correctly.
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    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    I know alot of people already thinking but what I'm trying to say is I that I have 5 seed. I want 4/5 of the seed to grow and produce seed so I can continue and grow to sell. The rest I want it so I can :joint: I heard alot about growing weed, and I'm not sure what is the right statement for...
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    New Dope

    I plan to learn everything I can about Marijuana from music,to all the technique not just to smoke but to be one day spread it where I live at,show them their first :joint: I just started smoking chronic around last November, and now I love it so much I want to get more and in the same way get...