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  1. K

    TGA SUBCOOL SEEDS Jack Skellington is a MALE! Why?

    Thank you everyone for your help appreciate it
  2. K

    TGA SUBCOOL SEEDS Jack Skellington is a MALE! Why?

    i'm just misinformed no this isn't my only plant i have more plants that were next to it. Do you think the balls burst and spread pollen on the other plants ? Will it cause the other plants to hermie/cause seeds if they don't have any flowers on them ? Do you think those balls burst and...
  3. K

    TGA SUBCOOL SEEDS Jack Skellington is a MALE! Why?

    So I grew this Jack Skellington from seed from TGA Subcool, i haven't even put the plant into flower yet it's still on 18/6 and yesterday I noticed these male balls on the plant. I was wondering what are the odds of TGA seeds going male before you even put them into flower I always thought that...
  4. K

    If you could only get 1 TGA

    I remember picking up some "Super Jacks Cleaner" once and it was out of this world unique
  5. K

    I accidentally drank some nutrient water or water that had traces of nutrients in it

    I had 2 gallons each identical next to each other one regular and one nutrient water which i forgot to remove then a short while ago (couple hours) i drank like a gulp of the nutrient water or a gallon that was used to water plants with but also was used for filling up a humidifier with...
  6. K

    What to do with this Hermie plant ? [PICS]

    I see I see well i picked em off just maybe 3 of em total there but I don't like the way this plant is growing it's just not budding like the others it's really slow small little buds from top to bottom and also there are tiny little spider mites all over the plant now like every bud site theres...
  7. K

    What to do with this Hermie plant ? [PICS]

    definitely not a swollen calyx theres a few of them on different spots besides this plant isn't budding like the others it's just slower doesn't have the pistils everywhere it looks it's more vegging than flowering i could most some more pics tomorrow, it's been separated right now
  8. K

    What to do with this Hermie plant ? [PICS]

    this is a jack og plant thats 2 weeks into flower i was looking for the past week for it to sex and I noticed it had pistils so i thought it was female but something was offf about it like the tops didn't look like they were full flowers then i noticed there were balls so it has some parts...
  9. K

    New strain. Gaspberry

    I want some
  10. K

    Seedling grow leans over on one side [pics]

    Thanks for the reply yea the soil feels like it will be dry within a day a or 2 it's already drying up lights are 300 watt led 24 inches from the top of the seedling I think i'll be on the safe side and only use the mg seed starter to bury it
  11. K

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    The Truth skywalker White Widow Pure Kush Blueberry gift
  12. K

    Seedling grow leans over on one side [pics]

    Should I bury it at the same time that I water it it's been 6 days since i last watered the soil it is about 1 day or 2 away from it's watering time also it's curently rooted in Miracle Grow seed starter soil is it cool to put in Fox Farm ocean forest or is that too much nutes too soon ?
  13. K

    Seedling grow leans over on one side [pics]

    Any suggestions on what i should do should i put a a little toothpick next to it and loosely tie with some floss as a support or should i top off the soil it's day 9 bag seed banana og
  14. K

    Why was my thread deleted ?

    Who's hacking it? The DEA ? These assholes are probably hiring hackers
  15. K

    Why was my thread deleted ?

    I made a thread about getting pulled over and searched unlawfully by sheriffs now it's gone what happened ?
  16. K

    Gay or not?

    this thread is so gay op you are a complete idiot if you don't know the answer to your question normal straight men don't let other men anywhere near their penis and it's funny how everyone just listens to these people who say "oh who cares if you are gay" what a retarded argument. I...
  17. K

    Harvested a couple miniature plants [PICS[

    i didn't intend to 12/12 but it just went into flowering really fast because it wasn't getting enough hours of light. I forgot to mention it was outdoor
  18. K

    Harvested a couple miniature plants [PICS[

    this was my first time growing, they came out ok but i should have invested in a microscope like u guys told me, these pics were from a month back i just couldn't find the cord to my camera so i lagged. Anyways this is wat they turned out to be, they weren't vegged out just went into flowering...
  19. K

    Harvested and tiny little seeds in my buds

    I just smoked a joint of it an i am blown :blsmoke: