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  1. Justsayno7

    G13 Labs Pure Gold Feminized Info???

    I agree this so far has been a great free seed for me as well...I however am 54 days into flowering and plants trichomes are only bout 10% amber so yours seemed to get done much faster. I am growing hydro and she's my only girl so been watching and taking care of her real well. Did you harvest...
  2. Justsayno7

    Need help with homemade bubbleponics system

    Hey, you just need any dark container, I have one plant going in a trash can haha, whatever you got. Just make sure to attach the airstone to the bottom and run it all the time. The more bubbles the better so if you can get two airstones even better. link I used to make my setup...
  3. Justsayno7

    Help with Seedlings in DWC?!

    Hey, I wouldnt put any nutes in there yet. Did you rinse off the clay balls in pHed water before you used em? Im on my 2nd dwc grow and that was one mistake I made.
  4. Justsayno7

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Pure Gold/White Gold going, 5 weeks into flowering. Anyone ever smoked or grown this before?
  5. Justsayno7

    My hard work

    Looking real nice so far . I would keep lsting and look into trimming up the bottom 1/3 of the plant. Hope you get a good result from the freebies...nothing better then when that happens. I got a current grow of Pure Gold from attitude going, so far their seeds have been real good to me...hope...
  6. Justsayno7

    My 2nd Hydro Closet Grow...week 5 of flowering (White Gold)

    Says I have to have at least 10 characters.
  7. Justsayno7

    My 2nd Hydro Closet Grow...week 5 of flowering (White Gold)

    April 14th--- Just changed out the water and nutes...also cleaned off the roots, they were not looking so white better now . It is exactly week 5 of flowering from when I first noticed hairs, from what I can find the plant is supposed to go 7-8 weeks. I have a little microscope I got from...
  8. Justsayno7

    Bagseed Bubble Bucket and a dozen Soil

    haha love the ghetto box :-P Did the dad get the bill for the light and :fire:? I'll be curious to see how things you plan on keeping the dwc (thats what I grow) We got the same airstone mine at PetCo. Now I am a big hydro guy but I'd say you should really look into dwc or...
  9. Justsayno7

    My 2nd Hydro Closet Grow...week 5 of flowering (White Gold)

    took a peek at your last grow...:weed: would love to get a taste of that! Are you growing soil or hydro your next go around? Thanks for stopping by.
  10. Justsayno7

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hey, just joined the site and glad to see so many agree that DWC is the way to go. On my second go around ( 5 weeks into flowering, got a White Gold going) and just wanted to stop in and say hey. bongsmilie
  11. Justsayno7

    LST and bent stem question

    Give it some time, as long as you didn't snap it I would guess it will start to grow back up towards the light in a day or two. Sounds like you also have kinda thin stems, how far are the lights from the tops of the plant? Also do you have a fan blowing, helps makes the stems stronger. I do...
  12. Justsayno7


    haha love it . Now I hope you have moved onto going after things that look more like YOUR icon. :mrgreen: or already snagged one for yourself.
  13. Justsayno7


    Good motto :clap: True true bout the flush, no use flushing unless you got the pH under control.
  14. Justsayno7


    You really should take the advice from fureelz signature. ;-) Ph papers cost no more then $10 for a big pack and really helps, + it is important stuff to know and control. Good luck getting stuff under control. I'm a hydro guy but like I said I would guess nut problem so I would flush before...
  15. Justsayno7

    New member, figured I wouldn't be a stranger

    Hey all, New member here, done 3 grows and found hydro to be the way to go for me. Using a cheap dwc setup that I made, still consider myself a noob but getting the hang of it (done lots of research and reading and trial and error.) Just wanted to say what up to all, gonna post a grow log ( 5...
  16. Justsayno7


    Hey, new to the site but been growing for a some time now. Give some more details and I will try to help more. Are you soil or hydro? Sounds like some kind of nute problem so I would flush them asap. If it is working its way up IMO it is a nute problem not a temp or something else tho.
  17. Justsayno7

    My 2nd Hydro Closet Grow...week 5 of flowering (White Gold)

    1st picture is the Power Skunk I had to was growing real tall and lengthy. Bummer it had to go male. Other pics are some more of the White Gold taken when the lights were out about a week ago, will take more soon!
  18. Justsayno7

    My 2nd Hydro Closet Grow...week 5 of flowering (White Gold)

    Hey all, New member here, been reading on here for a while now and finally decided to start posting (seem to be some great people on here :bigjoint:.) Posted on another site so starting this log at week 5 of flowering. My second grow attempt, learned a lot from the first (had some bad pH and...