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  1. Swak

    Harvested 6" Purple O.G. Kush plants!!! PICS!!!

    How? That is pretty awesome.
  2. Swak

    8 Weeks - PK - First grow attempt

    I decided to throw up a few images of my first attempt to grow, well anything. Surprisingly the plants are really starting to flourish, I purchased two clones of PK from a near by dispensary and decided to use a low budget test to see what I could get out of it and if I could go from start to...
  3. Swak

    85 degrees too hot?? + REP....

    I am having a similar issue, the temps use to be easily manageable at 70-75 now since summer and my house being made in the 50's the heat has risen to be anywhere in the 80-85. I have to leave the AC to the house on but I find this to be not energy efficient. One of my concerns is that I need to...
  4. Swak

    Bubbleponics vs. Soil Example With Pics

    Very interesting, I have a Bubbleponics on the way and I have been doing my first try with soil so as these two soil plants I have near the next stage. I am going to be swapping out the hydro unit with a few clones I picked up.
  5. Swak

    Which Grow Tent?

    I have started myself with a GrowLab 60 and I like the quality for even the cost. It is a small unit only for a few plants but this is my first try and I wanted to see the build quality of the GrowLab. I like the set up you get with all the vents and different ports for electrical and other...
  6. Swak

    Finally added some necessary equipment for my GrowLab

    A few weeks ago I started with a GrowLab and a light system. I was able to get my first two clones for reasoning of trying to lower the cost of my medical use. I also was interested in learning to grow vegetables outside in a garden as well. So I decided to start with what I could spend on...
  7. Swak

    Bug problems, help ++++

    I am having a similar issue with spider mites. My leaves are spotted and I can see the spider mites on the leaves. I have a soap based spray and have sprayed a few times but haven't used soap based before so wasn't sure if it was something to use on the plants.
  8. Swak

    Grow Tents....?!?!?!?!!?

    I picked up a GrowLab 60 for my personal medical use. I have seen grow tents before and believe the quality is pretty good for the price. I have read the GrowLab is a new version of the HomeBox and that they made the bars to be more sturdy holding up to 100lbs from the top. I only have one light...
  9. Swak

    Questions CFL's with dipping leaves

    I have searched and read a few posts and some PDF's around online. Still didn't find a clear idea and trying to battle the issue with what I wake up to. This is my first grow so any advice would be beneficial. Equipment: - GrowLab 60 as my grow room. - New Wave T5 2', with 2 bulbs. One...