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  1. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    thatll help stem rot.? not much suun is gettin down ther, but the hole base of the stem is exposed now?
  2. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    here some pics lemme know what you think, i really hope she heals herself, otherwise im starting from scratch. xD :joint:
  3. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    Rofl .! :joint: looks legit huh.? its an airsoft glock . xD and yeh, it seems to be trying to heal im still really worried, im deff going to change some things next time i start seeds, i got some pics, lemme know what you think,
  4. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    yeh man, may 2-4, flower power =] i let them be for the past 36 hours and checked and was not happy with what i found, seems the same thing is starting to occur, with no foil or label, the very base of the plant is starting to coorode, it has bumbs and a bit of discoloring from when it first...
  5. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    My Baby, =] Of the 3 i had, i hung 2 due to root rot, and my once smallest is now my last standing. It is 1 month to the date, and im plan on stretching, her, for a max yeild. So flowering will start outdoors on May 2-4. Ive only used stock nuts, controlled pH, and changed res weekly. currently...
  6. R

    3 wks n2 1st aero grow probs-with pics

    change set up, restart, dont nut for first 2 weeks, and read AG review, we dont need another.... you over nut to the max
  7. R

    1st AeroGarden Grow

    Dood .! you got a serious problem .! thats more then something to over look and hope will get better, i just had 2 babies, completely snap, due to root rot ; for a reason i have yet to find out why.! The water level, and constantly changing the PH, is the biggest cause i have found, and light...
  8. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    3Weeks, 5 days, Have seriously run into some problems, the one thing, i hope i wouldnt find, has become my worst nightmare,! Root Rot; has literally corroded 2 of my 3 babies, from under the first nod, to the base, 1 of the actually snapped while i was trying to put a stick in. ! i have been...
  9. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    Im only using the areogarden lights at the moment, only 2 bulbs, i checked for voltage on them aswell as online and no luck, i dont plan on changeing the nutes, will light really be a problem , up untill flowering.? and i shall replace 2mrrw, tinfoil is off exect fro around base of plants.
  10. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    thats bomb, perfet cause i got enuff space for my summer crop, jus gettin some pre-reaedys so i have an early batchm and keep 1 mother in the tank, clone her, then rebirth over winter, for a 2nd has 2 -120V grow bulbs, i started from seed inside the pods, and there on there 3rd set of...
  11. R

    AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights

    So after reading many forums and doing a bit of research, i finally decided to try out this Aeroponics. Have always been a soil follower,truley, dont see a point in flowering a plant as soon as possible.Anyways, it is day 13, using stock lights, some seeds left over from last years crop, knowing...
  12. R

    First Grow Ever and Using an Aerogarden

    06/08.? how was the harvest.?
  13. R

    1st AeroGarden Grow

    Just wondering how the flowering is coming along.? Also have a AG set-up and love the idea's, jus curouis with all the Y spliters and bulbs, why not invest in a stronger lamp, ( HPS ) and from there spend 50$ on a tote system and have AG for sprout and growth stages, and tote for flowering ,?