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  1. Newbie32

    Easy Ryder (AK47 x Lowryder #2) First Grow. CFL. Under floorboard Grow. *Pictures*

    Got a question for you.. Are your plants under your floorboard sitting on dirt ? .. if its open to the outside watch out for spider mites and what not! :) good luck!
  2. Newbie32

    Dark Room Questions

    Recently ive switched from 24/0 to 20/4. (the girls seem to love their nap time) Im not using a timer for my lights due to the fact that i have different aged plants/seedlings in my grow room. My question though, is a dark room ok for my plants to transfer to when they go for their sleeping...
  3. Newbie32

    Dark Room Qs!

    Recently ive switched from 24/0 to 20/4. (the girls seem to love their nap time) Im not using a timer for my lights due to the fact that i have different aged plants/seedlings in my grow room. My question though, is a dark room ok for my plants to transfer to when they go for their sleeping...
  4. Newbie32

    A good time to turn to 12/12?

    just my input if it helps.. try going 18/6 or 20/4 before 12/12, my plants grew tremendously after i switched to some sleep time. good luck!
  5. Newbie32

    Misting Plants

    From my expierence, misting and watering leaves is quite bad, i have a grow op with a couple of friends and one of them decided to mist the leaves for experimental purposes and it came out nothing but bad, the leaves were very crispy to the touch, not as much burned but dried out. He later...
  6. Newbie32

    my neighbors are ghey....

    haha i second that.
  7. Newbie32

    finally harvested!!!!

    man you guys pay alot for yr weed, i can get 2g for 10$ and thats standard here, pretty good bud too.
  8. Newbie32

    how long do you wait before you start LSD

    Your not going to get a definite answer but Ive always done it atleast 2 weeks before flowering so as Scorpio said the plant can regain full strength.
  9. Newbie32

    Salvia Trip

    can someone get a grow tutorial on here, i watched on television that it does not need special lighting or as much care as growing marijuana does? I'd be interested on learning how to!
  10. Newbie32

    How many CFLS really?

    i have 4 65 watt cfls on one of my plants and it seems to be doing great, remember when you do get your lights make sure you get them as close to yr plant as possible!
  11. Newbie32

    Seeds havent germinated

    if your still having trouble germing them try pooping them in a cup of water for a couple of days, this method has never ever failed me.
  12. Newbie32

    Legal To Grow Two Plants In Vermont!?

    cause for all they know they think your growing to sell, they just want another law breaker off the streets if you can put yourself in the feds shoes to think about it ya know?
  13. Newbie32

    Needs more light!

    Where did you find your CFL lighting fixture? I've been looking for them for a while now.
  14. Newbie32

    organic soil

    I use Miracle Grow Organic Choice. I know alot of people go against MG but the organic mix has worked great for me.
  15. Newbie32

    Spidermites... WWIII

    I have the same damn problem with the little bastards. thanks for all the advice!
  16. Newbie32

    happy 420

    Happy 420 all!!!!!!! bongsmilie
  17. Newbie32

    My first grow/setup!

    Im going to try the rubbing alcohol method. will post pics here soon.
  18. Newbie32

    Flowering Problem

    not all cuttings will come out to be their mother plants, did you use any type of root gel?
  19. Newbie32

    Spider Mites

    i saw on a forum somewhere that rubbing acohol on q-tips and wiping all sides of the plant leave would do the trick. Has anyone done this before and if so could you give me tips?
  20. Newbie32

    Red Spider Mites!

    When I was looking at my newlysprouted plant i noticed little red dots on my plant, Im for sure they are spider mites, please can someone help me on removing these pests.