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  1. stonerxxi

    My Little CFL Grow

    def. keep us updated as i am reactivating my grow of which is similar to yours. hopefully to soon have some pics up=)
  2. stonerxxi

    need sum help on a harvest idea

    well i live in Missouri, Usa and the climate here is fucked up it can be really fucking hot one day and then the next cold or raining soo i just didnt know what kind of seeds to look into...... what would the best to grow in the climate and if its possiable to grow still this time of the season...
  3. stonerxxi

    need sum help on a harvest idea

    ive done indoors just never outdoors but ive been really wantin to do outdoors
  4. stonerxxi

    need sum help on a harvest idea

    LOL ok i have property and i want to get sum seeds and grow outdoors but ive never done outdoors goin soo i wanted advises on sumthings
  5. stonerxxi

    need sum help on a harvest idea

    hey everyones soo i need sum help im thinking of gettin sum seeds off the internet off a site and i was thinking of doin a harvest outdoors cuz i have a sum property and the thing is ive done indoors but never outdooors soo i kinda wanted sum advise before i do anything but i really wanna do a...
  6. stonerxxi

    male or hermie?

    What id like to know is... im believing it is completely male but im not sure id rather have a hermie atleast to get some bud because i will not pull something ive fought with for a month and a few weeks kinda sucks when i saw it id rather have a female but if i can have a hermie it wouldnt be...
  7. stonerxxi

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    Mine are doing about the same thing my room gets like almost 100 degrees!!! so im using this massive high velocity fan to keep it ok i need ventilation bad but any way to keep it cool in their???? when its hot outside and in the grow area??? mines surviving well and it super healthy mines few...
  8. stonerxxi

    Fruit in soil for better taste????

    yeah see that is what i thought like fruit gnats and crap/mites yeah the peel in the bag of dried weed works and tastes good, especially when you have some dirt you dont want to smoke but decide to anyways, i just heard the rumor, makes good compost when its done though but i dont think the...
  9. stonerxxi

    Fruit in soil for better taste????

    As a myth i have heard around the area is would putting orange peels and fruit stuff in the soil as a way of compost during the process of a plant growing in essence giving the buds a fruity taste???? i believe it is false because their are strains out their that taste fruity already.... I just...
  10. stonerxxi

    My first Grow -Updated

    Heres the update, they grew about another 3 inches or so and im starting to think they both are female.
  11. stonerxxi

    24/0 or 18/6?

    yes but as i understood it in biology the plant needs dark to produce energy by the light taken in, in order to grow properly correct me if im wrong :weed: i used 24/0 and the plants grew like crap for weeks.
  12. stonerxxi

    My first Grow -Updated

    Comments and criticism is always appreciatedbongsmilie
  13. stonerxxi

    My first Grow -Updated

    Here is an update from the thread if they were ok for 4 weeks well i had to cut that plant off due to it was dying and wasting light area, It has come a long way to what it is now but it is working amazingly, Here are the pictures of the others that were small and i started another 2 out 2 days...
  14. stonerxxi

    Too crooked?..PICS

    yeah like everyone else said, mine looked about like yours at first but then i got the lights closer and packed some soil all up on it with a nice fan and now they are doings Great! straight and producing fat leaves now =)
  15. stonerxxi

    first time

    Just keep them on light and give them water But i also used a miracle grow type of soil when i started i did not have those results but the plants just grow VERY slowly like your plants look bigger than mine and mine have been going for a few weeks....... I just went out and got some more CFLs...
  16. stonerxxi

    Humidity noob question

    Yeah i tried the towel but it rose a little but still in the 40% range but ill have to try the bowl or water, may even keep the temp down also! because i have issues with temps too rising to almost 90 deg F which is def not good even though i have a mini high velocity fan in their to try to...
  17. stonerxxi

    a few Big CFL's or Lots of Small CFL's??

    I bought some 150watt=28 watt usage 2600 lumina output and the plants seem to like them but i am only growing about 3 in my little space i guess it depends on how many u are growing and size i really do not know as of for more than 3 plants i have one for each..
  18. stonerxxi

    Humidity noob question

    Alright along with the other problems i fixed with my first grow i read up on here that 50% humidity is best or i think it was 60% but anyways my problem is low humidity at like 32% and not a big enough area for a humidifier.. is their a way to produce humidity without one or will i have to rig...
  19. stonerxxi

    Are they ok for 4 weeks old?

    Alright new info on this we went out got some 150Wat 2600 lumina CFLs and mounted them up they seems to REALLY like them alot better the bigger one shooted its leaves up toward the light and actually GREW a little over a period of 5 hours.... best results ive seen yet with lighting since they...
  20. stonerxxi

    Are they ok for 4 weeks old?

    yeah it kinda sucks but i got the seeds from some nug i consumed and thought id give it a try but the other little ones are probably only 2 weeks the one had probs from beginning was deformed and thats the healiest one now of the group it looks, the tallest one was from a previous batch i had...