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  1. jahjahjenny

    A lil problem ordering seeds..

    sometimes to make online purchases prepaid cards make you register your card online first. Just because it is electronic signature when you purchase online and the card wants to make sure its you. Since there is no paper proof of an actual written signature. Go to the website on the card...
  2. jahjahjenny

    This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.

    I say get to work!!!! and can I have a job? please?
  3. jahjahjenny

    Wierd Plant Problem - Bottom leaves w/ brown edges and then become pale yellow

    did you add b-1 when you transplanted? looks like the new growth is good, nice green. always look at the new growth. As for those bottom leaves I'd cut the bad ones off. Sometimes you have to give plants adjustment time in transplanting or even moving locations. Be careful not watering too...
  4. jahjahjenny

    lower brach removal

    during flowering its best to only cut fan leaves if they are more that 50 % damaged. As for pruning, that is best done in veg. While your in flower, you will just stress those girls out. My best advice is if you don't want popcorn buds (which is something all us growers go thru) stick a...