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  1. T

    Wanna grow slot

    Hi I've done a couple grows in the past and they have been ok but this time I wanna go big. My previous grows have consisted of 1 400 watt light which wasn't much this time I want a 1000 watt light with all the professional equipment. I wanna aim for bout 2-3lbs every 90 days with the 1000 watt...
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    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    my shit is bomb damn iom a beast
  3. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    ay man these palnts are getting bigger by the minute, they look all juiced up and shit so whoever said they look small can kiss my ass cause them mothafuckas look goods as hell. and my clones just rooted 2day
  4. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    my plants are now a little over 1 month old now i took a couple cuttings 5 or so. and im not that good at cloning but i noticed the two clones that i checked for roots look sick and the 3 i didnt bother look ok. but other than that they are growing pretty good and they look small in the pic but...
  5. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    my plants are now just over a month old and they look pretty good to me but i took the clones and i hope they come through because im gonna do a sea of green with about 25-30 clones so if these come out ok i will give my mother plants 2 more weeks and then its on and poppin hoping to get about 2...
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    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    yeah he said it was bubblegum but hes a big liar so i just waited for the real deal to come. ifucked up 3 of the 5 seeds so i was left with 2 and now i have to work with those babies and nah im not gonna fill the room yet maybe when i bget more comfy
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    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    almost 1 month and a few clones
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    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    my plants are now 24 days old and i just built this thing today so i could add light but all is well ill keep u posted
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    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    aight check this out. i was lst the damn plant and i tied the string up too high and it turned some of the new leaves light yellow but they comin back though. but anyway they gettin big and sht and here are they new pics at 3 weeks today and athe orange one at 20 days. peace o yeah yall drop me...
  10. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    aight the one in the white bucket is 18 days and the orange is 17 days old they are both superlemon haze females i low stress trained early because i want alot of clones i water every three days with iguana juice and they been really coolyall let me know what yall think
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    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    yeah i got mylar and all that stuff but check this out. i just went and won a bid on ebay for this shit listen. a homebox xl a carbon filter,inline can fan, gh dual diaphram pump a 600 watt light a 1000 watt light with extra bulbs 2 clip on fans, extra aquariam pump, hot house, breakere bars, 2...
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    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    comment please
  13. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    aight this is what hapenned i got rid of the so called bubblegum seeds because they were bullshit but i did wait for the fem super lemon haze and it came. ihad 5 seeds and i fucked up 3 so i was left with 2 and these two are it. luckily they have been growing strong and i have been feeding them...
  14. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    pics for yall people 15 days old
  15. T

    maximizing my yield

    check this out im growing some super lemom haze i currently have 2 females thet are 2 weeks old. i have a 400 watt mh light and a 60 watt hps light. i want to clone the lemon to get about 25-30 clones to do the sea of green thing. i wanna pull about 20-30 ounces off and they both will be grown...
  16. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    check it out i know its been a sec but no worry ive been real lazy but since the break i threw away the seeds that my friend agve me and i waited for t he lemon haze all female. but it did come in the mail and i germinated 3 of the five and the 3 cracked already and are currently in dirt...
  17. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    its now sunday and they still havent shown but it shoulndt be too much longer
  18. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    these picks are of the seeds that germinated and here is the 400 watt i will be using to grow healthy mother plants. i probably need to change the light its been there for a while. im still waiting on my super lemon haze in the mail.
  19. T

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    these are picks of my 600 watt light i will be using for the sog but it needs to be rewired because its a little popped right now. and the bowl has some bubblegum seeds that a friend gave to me.
  20. T

    clones dying

    no how the fuck are u gonna feed through the roots and the clones have no roots, before the roots appear they feed through the leaves to develop roots, once the roots form they start to feed through them.