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  1. krunchy

    Why do you grow weed?

    I started growing my own because as I did my family budget, I could no longer justify the expense of buying it every month. I have PTSD and smoking has been a much better treatment than meds for me, and I find growing to be a superb hobby for my anxiety problems.
  2. krunchy

    In your opinion...... Is pot an addictive substance?

    Yes, Marijuana can be addictive and you can suffer physical withdrawal symptoms. This is from first hand experience.
  3. krunchy

    just want to shair this.

    Whenever someone asks me how difficult it is to grow marijuana, I always tell them "its called weed for a reason".
  4. krunchy

    minimal amount of resin on buds 10 days left to harvest

    50 days = 7 weeks + 1 day, so depending on the strain he might make it. But yeah its a real shame that you have to potentially shorten your grow because the last few days even are critical.
  5. krunchy

    Super Jumbo Stealth v4.0 Growing Cabinet

    This post needed to be longer.
  6. krunchy

    Co2, does it really work?

    Co2 is great in theory, as long as you've maximized the other grow factors: light+ nutrients. As a newish grower myself I'm working on perfecting the 'au natural' thing before I move on to advanced stuff like Co2.
  7. krunchy

    stretched seedlings

    No, this is a common problem when using T5s and CFLs and not keeping the light close enough. On my first grow I had the same problem with T5s. On my next grow I kept them much much closer and the same strain has kept nice and bushy. If you have big stems you can always just re-pot them a little...
  8. krunchy

    Growing weed and confiscation

    You should move to Canada where employers are generally not allowed to drug test.
  9. krunchy

    $ Hash $

    That's less than $13 a gram, which for good hash is so insanely low that I want to jump on my scooter and drive to wherever you are. I've seen $30-40/gram for bubble hash, but a lot depends on location and quality.
  10. krunchy

    Best use of 3'6"x3'6" space?

    My first grow is from seed (skunk), but I have a Blueberry mother almost ready for her first clones. (At least I hope its a mother :mrgreen:) I have room for 2 mothers easily, so that's good news. I figure I'll clone each of them 2-3 times and then flower them for a mega-plant.
  11. krunchy

    600 watt air coolable

    What kind of hood are you using for cooling? I use a cool tube with my 600w HPS, along with a single 4" inline fan. It cools so well that my plants can be 4" from the light with no signs of stress. More details would help solve the problem. How do you exhaust the fans? Its important that you...
  12. krunchy

    Best use of 3'6"x3'6" space?

    How much do you get each harvest? I really like your setup and have been thinking about it. The only drawback I see is getting that many clones. How many mothers do you have and how many clones are taken at a time? I think for my next grow I might go up to 9 plants. Veg for maybe 2 weeks then...
  13. krunchy

    Best use of 3'6"x3'6" space?

    How do you water those? I'd assume you have some sort of drip system because that would be a pain in the ass. Its also a pain for me... I have to pull my plants out to get to the back ones each watering.
  14. krunchy

    Best use of 3'6"x3'6" space?

    Hey thanks for the reply... we have almost the same amount of square footage, so I should be able to do (at least) 30 bags as well if I went that route. And at 1-2 oz. each that's 2-4 lbs. krikey! Its hard to say how much I will get from this first grow, but I'd be stunned if it were anywhere...
  15. krunchy

    Best use of 3'6"x3'6" space?

    I'm flowering in a 3' 6" square space (old shower stall). I'm currently using a 600w HPS light, and growing 5 skunks in 3 gal. pro-mix. Using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro + Liquid karma nutes. 5 plants is a tight fit, but so far they don't show any signs of over crowding. They're in the 3rd week...
  16. krunchy

    Apartment Inspection Troubles / How To Hide Your Grow

    I've been thinking of investing in some rental property for awhile, and your situation has inspired me to set up grow-friendly housing. Its crazy all the hassle people have to go through just to grow a few plants.
  17. krunchy

    How many CFM to cool 400w HPS? Help

    I'm also using a 600w HPS with a cool tube, and a carbon filter attached as well. Its worked well for me with 5 plants.
  18. krunchy

    Carbon filter Vs. ozone generator

    Yes, and the EPA is saying that ozone - regardless of how its made - is harmful. In fact, "relatively low amounts can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, and, throat irritation"
  19. krunchy

    Carbon filter Vs. ozone generator

    From the EPA website: The same chemical properties that allow high concentrations of ozone to react with organic material outside the body give it the ability to react with similar organic material that makes up the body, and potentially cause harmful health consequences. When inhaled, ozone...
  20. krunchy

    2 x 600w HPS VS. 1 x 1000w HPS What will yield more?

    2 600w will significantly outperform 1 1000w. The math's pretty obvious I would have thought.