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  1. M

    First grow came so far...

    Alright here it is! I let her grow for 2 more weeks in flower. She didnt get much bigger but the buds got "slightly" larger. No idea how it is going to taste but I must say Im pretty darn proud. It will prob be like smoking grass because the smell is very light. But thats ok I have a few more...
  2. M

    First grow came so far...

    Thanks bro I am over watering! I have been watering every other day. Because the top of the soil is usually dry but I just checked with a meter and the soil underneeth is wet. So I will stop watering so much. I will report back in a week after I see some results. I did have an exhaust fan too...
  3. M

    First grow came so far...

    So here are some pictures of my girl I started her way back in June. We were doing good at good growth all the way through July then temps got pretty bad and she was experiencing some pretty bad burns. So under the advise of a friend I dropped her during that time down to 12 hours a day ( I was...
  4. M

    First Grow take 2

    Ok so my girl is doing well has been flowering for about 3 weeks now she wasn't growing so much for 2 weeks then I realized some light may have been leaking in so I took care of that problem and the buds r getting bigger.... so I thought that I would start on some Northern Lights while I waited...
  5. M

    First Grow take 2

    So here are some updated pictures. My babies went through hell with the heat spike in the summer temps got up to 100+ in the room for a while killed 2 of them I have 2 remaining this is the best out of the bunch. I am wondering however IF this appears to be female to you guys? I only ask because...
  6. M

    First Grow take 2

    I was thinking that too but was trying not to put it too close. Right now it the light is about 30 inches away. THey are getting 18 hours of light per day. Should I lower it some? When they were inside of the heated dome they grew pretty tall the bush didnt start until they get under the light.
  7. M

    First Grow take 2

    Hi everyone here is the second take of my first grow. So I guess technically this is my second grow:?. I have 2 plants the smaller ones in the pictures that are both Big Bud and one plant is bubble gum that looks like she is doing well. They are almost 3 weeks old now. I started them in a peat...
  8. M

    1st time in door grow

    Yo this is a problem that is asked about many many many times over now. You should spend some time searching the forum and look at other pictures and solutions to see if it matches yours. I did a quick search found over 100 threads of people talking about the same problems and the answers were...
  9. M

    What went wrong here? First grow died

    Thanks that all makes sense. I was unclear about the distance for the light because I assumed if it was further away they would stretch and go limp trying to get closer to the light. I am positive that I got it all right now I was also unsure at first as to whether or not to put the fan in...
  10. M

    What went wrong here? First grow died

    Ok so I am growing some Big Bud i germinated in a heated mini greenhouse in about 3 days they sprouted and grew about 4 inches tall. I decided I would go ahead and put them in some soil. I used the peat pellets to start them. I went straight from the pellet to a 2 gallon pot. Maybe I went too...
  11. M

    First Grow need a little advice

    Thanks guys so I went into a grow shop over the weekend and the manager told me that hands down the best soil he ever used was this organic soil that can be bought from a local nursery. So here is the mixture break down that I will be using. It has soil, Fir Bark Fines, Forest Humus, Peat...
  12. M

    First Grow need a little advice

    Hi Everyone I have been going over this forum for weeks and learned alot of neat tricks and ideas and thankful to have found the site. I tried searching for all of my answers first so I apologize if any of my questions have been answered before. First I have to give mad props to...
  13. M

    WHAT does EVERYONE think of THIS design??

    Looks pretty good I was thinking of a similar design with an old dresser.
  14. M

    First time Green House WW closet grow - Low budget setup!

    Yo that is a good grow. I looked through your journal to see if I seen much about the odor or odor control and didnt find anything. How bad has the odor been and is it escaping into the rest of your house? Great job. Will be starting my first grow soon just got my medcard. I am thinking some...