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  1. damnimcold

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    Damn dude...Your shit is growing much faster than mine...That's for sure! I planted mine (seed) 3/15 and they are about half that size, but looking pretty healthy. How often are you having to water?
  2. damnimcold

    How many of you voted for Obama just for marijuana reform?

    Hmm....Well...The United States is not a free country anymore...may never have been. There is a group of people running this country that you never even hear about...Your votes don't count for shit. We get to vote for our president? Only if another group of individuals says he is ok for the...
  3. damnimcold

    Top 44 under CFL - When can I flower?

    So say all 6 are healthy females...How much bud could I expect approximately?
  4. damnimcold

    Top 44 under CFL - When can I flower?

    I'm tying my luck with some Top 44 under CFLs. It's looking pretty good. They have been growing for about 2 weeks and are leafing out good. There are 6 planted in one of those long rectangular pots. I've got them under 2 105w CFLS and one 30w. Real wattage, not equiv. Anyway...I...