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    pollen sacs...

    I just found a male in my bloom, I order female seeds from nirvana.. so im like what the fuck!! it has only been in bloom for exactly 14 days and i through it away immediately. the look like the first pic Mrcool put up, do you guys think it pollinated the others?
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    2000w 14X6X8 noob growroom

    do you guys think i need to feed them more often? i give them 35 min 3 times a day and 15min 3 times a day
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    2000w 14X6X8 noob growroom

    some more pics
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    2000w 14X6X8 noob growroom

    I have the AC flowing into the room and while the lights are on I leave the room open so it dose not get to hot. I do not have Co2 I use general hydroponics nutrients, and i follow the instructions on the bottle to the letter. so in bloom i use 1 tsp/gallon of floraGro 2 tsp/gallon of...
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    2000w 14X6X8 noob growroom

    is there something i can do to fix it?
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    2000w 14X6X8 noob growroom

    hello everyone I would like to post up about my set up and see what your feed back is. bloom room 2 1000w hps lights from htgsupply 1 8" big inline fan from htgsupply drip system that i made myself..feeding 5 times a day hydroton medium temperature ranges from 85 with lights on...