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  1. ajbarn3


    Hey everyone... Check out the facebook group if you have facebook... The marijuana legalization national call day... Its a group created to spread the word about april 20th 2009.. on this day the people of the united states will call their state representative to support the legalization of...
  2. ajbarn3

    Give you plant a shower?

    Hey everyone... I've been trying to spread a word about the legalization of marijuana.. i'm not sure about this sites rules on this but here it goes... On 420 this year... april 20th 2009, It will be "the marijuana legalition national call day"... Call your local state representative and leave a...
  3. ajbarn3

    Give you plant a shower?

    funny thing happened a day after posting that last comment... mites came back.. apparently they can come in through fresh air, if thats how you ventilate your grow room... mites are attracted by fertilzers too...conveniently i had just fertilized my plants bc they were showing nut defficiency. I...
  4. ajbarn3

    Give you plant a shower?

    I had mites at one point in veg mode.. I'm still in the process of growing the plants I'm speaking of and its my first time.. I tried some chemical spray, but like a beginning I couldn't wait for the mites to die so I keep spraying and ended up almost killing my plants.. the chemical was eating...