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  1. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hi thanks 4 the offer of help! basicallp i've got a grow tent at 75,75,160, i have an s&p 100/160 extraction fan on a rhino filter ,i also have a 6inch clip on fan blowing over the light. i'm using a 600 hps i've vented wit 102mm venting at bottom which is the same ducting on the fan and...
  2. J


    should i run my extraction and circulating fan when the lights are off?
  3. J

    what the hell is this?

    cheers one other shows a little. someone said they thought it was a lack of nutes. i use a ec pen which reads at 1.6 u think that might be to high? there in 2nd week of bloom. feed every 2 hrs via a dripper would flood and drain be better
  4. J

    what the hell is this?

    one of my plants looks like its got something seriously wrong wit it. any help please
  5. J

    Ill looking plants

    heres the photo's of ill lookin plants
  6. J

    ill plants

    :wall:i,m pretty new to this. ive got a plant into blooming but have noticed that the bottom leaves have turned yellow and on upper leaves there,s a rusty kind of colour which also is very dry and brittle. any help would be appreciated am feeding on drip every 2 hrs for ten mins and nothing at...
  7. J

    Ill looking plants

    i'm just trying to sort some now will post em asap.
  8. J

    Ill looking plants

    :wall:i,m pretty new to this. ive got a plant into blooming but have noticed that the bottom leaves have turned yellow and on upper leaves there,s a rusty kind of colour which also is very dry and brittle. any help would be appreciated am feeding on drip every 2 hrs for ten mins and nothing at...
  9. J

    drip irrigation

    cheers i think you've given me what i wanted.
  10. J

    drip irrigation

    i've got some bubbler drippers in clay pebbles on for 10 mins every 2 hours' is that enough or should i slow them down to a trickle and leave them on constantly? any one who can help shine some light on the matter would be really appreciated.