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  1. B


    is a terrible product. i mixed it with warm water, and a bit of soapy water and sprayed my babys yesterday thanks to a bunch of threads i read saying it was good. tonight i come home to find them halfway shrivled up and discolored. im pretty angry. whatever you do dont use this product, it...
  2. B


    i agree, i feel like those two and nutrient burn look so simular. i guess it isnt getting any better so ill try giving it some more calmag in its diet.
  3. B


    Leaves started to change at the ends, i thought it was nutrient burn and started giving it regular water sometimes with just a bit less food in it. still the problem is progressing. help please. pictures:
  4. B

    clone problems

    two of my clones are very yellow and oneof them is drooping a whole lot. can anyone help me diagnose them? running at about 74 degrees 5ft under a 1000w light. i will try to get pictures up soon.... thanks.