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  1. 420Roller

    Do you rent or own

    He did but that wont stop leo
  2. 420Roller

    50W or 90W UFO LED Plant Grow Light

    if your going to go the LED route, from what ive heard you will need at least a 120w machine, maybe more.
  3. 420Roller

    ICEGROW led, hydroponic growing.

    +subscribed, looks good man, i want to know how this grow turns out if you do a pure led grow
  4. 420Roller

    good ol farmers tan! ouchie wow wow!!

    I got the worst farmers tan from playing baseball too damn much, elbows down and neck are really dark brown, rest of my arms and chest, irish white
  5. 420Roller

    My First Grow Cabinet

    Wow that cab looks perfect, my suggestion to you from reading on these and other fourms is to not line the cab with aluminum foil, will cause heat spots that can damage the plant, use a material called mylar, its cheap at walmart. Its the same material they use for emergency blankets.
  6. 420Roller

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump! 10chars
  7. 420Roller

    Secret Basement Grow

    Sounds like Pineapple Express. It wont work.
  8. 420Roller

    Lucky Stoner Stories Anyone ?

    Leo came to the door once while i was getting high as fuck off a bong, turned out they had a noise complaint and that was due to RB2. The cops just told me to turn down the volume.
  9. 420Roller

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    Any arizona product except for peach, can not stand it. That black and white is great but its never in stock at my corner store
  10. 420Roller

    Your favourite artist/song to listen to baked

    Bob Dylan is great when im absolutly fried, i can finally understand him (just have to be as high as him when you litsen to it). Another fav is RHCP.