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  1. J

    Plant leaves curling up

    I have the same problem too, if anyone out there knows whats up PLEASE help . its my first and im worried about her
  2. J

    sorry meant to post that not message.

    sorry meant to post that not message.
  3. J

    I have the same problem too, if anyone out there knows whats up PLEASE help . its my first and...

    I have the same problem too, if anyone out there knows whats up PLEASE help . its my first and im worried about her
  4. J

    bug spray make it or buy it ?????

    i heard about some stuff the other day made from lemon and lime oils, supposedly harmless.u could drink it with no ill effects(maybe an hour on the shitter). this is what im goin to try but im worried about accidity change and will it have a yield effect