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  1. JamrockFireBudMan

    What is happening to my plant! Helppppppp

    yea the temeperature is at 21-28. there were nutes already in the soil but i havent added any since i started. and i watered the plant like every 2 days. but i think that might be the problem
  2. JamrockFireBudMan

    What is happening to my plant! Helppppppp

    maybe. i diddnt give them a lot of water tho. but that cld be it. if thats the case should i just not water them for a couple of days?
  3. JamrockFireBudMan

    What is happening to my plant! Helppppppp

    the bottom leaves are turning yellow and are dieing and the other leaves were fine but then slowly all the leaves started dropping down. the stem is still strong tho so wat is happening to my plant. im using a CFL light. my plant is a month old today.
  4. JamrockFireBudMan

    my plant is burning HELPPPPPPPP

    my plant is about 2 weeks old. It has 6 leaves. I use one CFL light on my plant. I left the light on for about 20 hours one day and when i checked on the plant two of the leaves were severely burned. One of the tips has curled a bit. I turned the light off after discovered this and gave the...
  5. JamrockFireBudMan

    my plant is burning HELPPPPP

    yea i took soil from my mom (that she previoulsy mixed) since i knew it did not have bugs in it. And it did have nutes in it. but i am 99% positive that the reason the two leaves are burning is because i left the CFL light on the plant for like 22 hrs. cuz its been on the plant for about 5 or 6...
  6. JamrockFireBudMan

    my plant is burning HELPPPPP

    my plant is about 2 weeks old. it has 6 leaves. 2 fan leaves, 2 big and 2 small of the other kind. the 2 big of the other kind are burning. i left the CFL light bulb on (20 watt) all night. and one of the leaves at the edge has curled up a little bit an the other leaf has )at the edge has turned...
  7. JamrockFireBudMan

    should i be worried abt my plant?

    its probably like an inch or two away. and its a 40 watt cfl . 1,200 lumens.
  8. JamrockFireBudMan

    should i be worried abt my plant?

    my seedling is about 5 inches tall and has 4 big leaves. one of the leaves (not the marijuana looking leaf wit the rugged edges) has a slight/extremely small burn on the side. yesterday i put my plant under a light for the first time. it was in natural sunlight b4 but it has grown 10 times as...
  9. JamrockFireBudMan

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    Obama said hes not going to legalize marijuana. He never said he wasnt going to decriminalize it. There are videos on youtube of Obama publicly saying (as a senator) that he was not for the legalization, but that we need to re-think our marijuana laws.
  10. JamrockFireBudMan

    alright thanks man. btw can i get a CFL bulb at a store where i get regular bulbs? and also how...

    alright thanks man. btw can i get a CFL bulb at a store where i get regular bulbs? and also how strong should i get the bulb. i am only growing one plant
  11. JamrockFireBudMan

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    anyone who said that he will have trouble doing this or it is impossible or dont do offense but your idiots. the government does not give a shit about an 1/8th of weed. the government also does not care about drugs leaving the country. they care about drugs going into the country. and...
  12. JamrockFireBudMan

    Can someone tell me how my plant is doing? (pictures)

    can i use a 60 watt light bulb to grow it in the veg stage or will that not work
  13. JamrockFireBudMan

    hey you seem to know a lot about this. i have done reading but i just wanna ask you like some...

    hey you seem to know a lot about this. i have done reading but i just wanna ask you like some simple questions if u have the time. Can i use a 60 watt light to grow my plant in the veg stage?
  14. JamrockFireBudMan

    Can someone tell me how my plant is doing? (pictures)

    thanks guys. when i go to get a light can i use any kind of fixture just i need to get a powerful bulb?
  15. JamrockFireBudMan

    Can someone tell me how my plant is doing? (pictures)

    My plant is about a week and a half old. It is probably around 6 or 7 inches but i added soil (recommended by a member) so now it is about 4 inches. it has 2 bigish leaves and then two of the small ones that have the different tips. the plant is sitting in a window. i am going out today to buy a...
  16. JamrockFireBudMan

    when can i start to make my plant grow buds?

    my point was why not answer the way you did. you gave me a constructive answer AND told me to look up more information. i have done reasearch on growing, and i was confused on whether i had to wait for my plant to get to a certain point (extremely tall) before i wanted it to start to flower. im...
  17. JamrockFireBudMan

    when can i start to make my plant grow buds?

    if your not gonna directly answer my question dont fucking answer you prick
  18. JamrockFireBudMan

    when can i start to make my plant grow buds?

    my plant is in natural is only a week and a half old. but i want to put it into the bud growing stage at after about a that ok? and when using natural light how do it?
  19. JamrockFireBudMan

    when will i be able to tell what kind of plant im growing?

    i planted 4 seeds total. and i got 2 from a friend. and he does not know what kind of marijuana seed it is. at what stage in growth will i be able to tell wat kind it is?