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  1. P

    attitude package confiscated by Canadian Border services

    well i sent them an email with the pictures of the letter from customs as Rachel requested i just gor home from work and checked my email and there it was a new tracking number and they shipped me my exact order including the TGA newletter giveaway ATTITUDE U FUCKIN' ROCK!!!!!!!!! keep up...
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    attitude package confiscated by Canadian Border services

    mlahonta thank u for that totally useless comment and pipe dream, i ordered from attitude because i'd rather pay by prepayed credit card and i wanted the free offer of the month which is 3 tga 3D and 3 TGA JTR and if u know how to read i payed for garrenteed shipping which means if i dont...
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    attitude package confiscated by Canadian Border services

    well i got the dreadful letter that my order from attitude was confiscated by the Canadian Border Services i did pay for the secure shipping T-shirt so i notified attitude by email and phone they wanted me to send pics of the letter so i sent them 3 pics of it let's see how they handle...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    thanks brah, i'll try that out
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    how does @ lights on then 8 hrs later sound
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    thanks jberry i guess i just needed the re-assurance
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    well im growing 9 plants on a 3.5 x 3.5 table i a 120x120x200 tent with 1000w air cooled hps started from seed ,6 weeks under a 400W MH 18/6 now flowering for 1.5weeks i feed everyday with 25-30% run-off run to waste with 1 gallon pots considering going twice a day my question is will i be...
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    thanks therapy this is the first grow i do with baught seeds all others were from local clone and the genetics were unclear im looking forward to to trying them all as the only one available, right now, in my area for buy is the AAA i live in montreal cannada and the weed here is sick but i...
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    so all strains are in the bubble cloner with no medium at all, just a neoprene collar holding it they are all showing their true leaves and the cheese is showing its second set of leaves
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    today i addded the AAA Jack to the bubble cloner the lemon skunk has its head out the cube just waiting for it to shed it's shell and i though the Trainwreck was another blank but when i broke the cube off i was germ'ed and stuck i guess so i took it out that cube and gently placed in in a new...
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    so i took about a looks like is going to me 2 to 3 gram dry sample and it looks and smells awsome but like i said the slh#1 is sativa dom and slh#2 is indica dom the both share the same smell except the sativa dom haze a hint of haze in it both incredibly frosty and the weight looks decent so...
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    little snag my trainwreck was a retarded so i ditched it i put to germ another GHS trainwreck and i couldnt help myself i also put to germ GHS LemonSkunk damn now i gotta make more buckets/pumps/airstones to house all these seedling when its time comes i wont have room to flower them all at...
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    and to add im water curing the sample bud in a small jar and am gonna do it for 7 days the let it air dry and them taste it no more oven dry lol let you all know how it goes
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    well today i started the final two week of the super lemon haze, giving it what CANNA recomends which is: CANNA flores 2ml/L each of a and b CANNAzyme 2.5ml/L CANNABOOST 3 ml/L and at the same time i too a sample(about 2 grams) and here are some trich pics i took of the sample mostly...
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    this morining when i checked my seediling, i can see the white widowis almost out the cube. for the AAA JACK i didnt think it was doing anything, so i broke the cube, and lo and behold it germed and a tap root was forming, so i placed it in another oasis cube so it can continue its journey
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    so i hope u enjoy the ride and just to let u know the following strains are GHS lemon skunk and about to order joey Weed c99, apollo 11, apollo 11xc99 so comment and criticize or just drop ur 2 cents enjoy!!!
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    so hears the tent, inside i have 2 x super lemon haze from a friend and fellow grower whick i think will be done in about 3 weeks maybe less enjoy the pics pic 1 is the tent pic 2 is are the 2 together the rest are bud shots
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    pothead's continuous multi-strain grow journal

    well i had my journal on another site but i don't like it there anymore, and ive been reading RIU for close to or just over a year. pretty much all i know about DWC i learnt it here. so i guess moving my journal here was a natural move let me just roll and spark this amazing white rhino i just...
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    what do you think?trich pics

    i used the EYECLOPS BIONICAM best thing about it is i got it fo 20 bucks
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    what do you think?trich pics

    yeah there are still quite a few white hairs its pure sativa and its been flowering for 12+ weeks