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  1. V

    What's your favorite brand of blunts for rolling?

    Damn, no one smoke Garcia's? I love 'em, they burn soo slowly.
  2. V

    The Offical Sweet Rides Thread

    Hah, thanks. I'd beat you on the highway? What kind of car do you have? Just wondering cuz I can do AWD launches pretty hard...:-P
  3. V

    Inglorious Basterds

    I saw it and thought it was good. IMHO not Tarantino's best work but still good. The movie has the same classic Tarantino feel too it. Probably why some people say its boring and dumb. Tarantino flaunts his movies with character small talk. One trait that I love about his style. I give it a...
  4. V

    how did you meet you significant other?

    When I realized I can make an O-shape with my hand...
  5. V

    Welcome Illinois to the MMJ Club!

    Ya, you're right. "Haine said that the break between now and a possible vote in November ( during a veto session ) or January ( when the General Assembly reconvenes ) will mean more time to think on the issue. He encourages members of the Senate to contact doctors to learn more about it...
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    The Offical Sweet Rides Thread

    Love that 600 hp blacked out M3. I enjoy my car.....although its not in the same class as these. Anyway here's a pic.
  7. V

    Anyone Here Play Guitar?

    Very very nice guitar. You thinking of a similar replacement? Or what's in mind??
  8. V

    Drug tests and prescriptions

    Was up, This coming Tuesday(9-1-09) I have a drug test for pre-employment. I was only worried about the THC portion of test. They gave me the notice on Wednesday and since then have abstained from smoking(lucky for those who are smoking now...) Now since I quit cold shoulder I've been...
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    Anyone Here Play Guitar?

    Love the faded natural color. This one is calling out my name...
  10. V

    Anyone Here Play Guitar?

    I play a Fender Strat that I got years ago. Saving up for a Les Paul Studio...Love the sound of it.
  11. V

    Yo noticed you were lived near chicago, Hit me up if there's anything good [email protected]

    Yo noticed you were lived near chicago, Hit me up if there's anything good [email protected]