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  1. HSM747

    Can I get a general idea on how much this grow equipment is worth?

    Absolutely not. Can't really get into details but everything is on the up and up. Getting a range of numbers... guess I will start it out at the higher end like 750 or something and work it down if no interest.
  2. HSM747

    Can I get a general idea on how much this grow equipment is worth?

    I basically "inherited" this stuff and I have no clue how much this stuff is worth and I need to sell it to clear out my garage. I believe it was only used for one growing cycle before the guy was busted. I have: -HPS 1000w ballast and socket -HPS 1100w ballast and socket -2 Sylvania luminox...
  3. HSM747

    First Time HPS user. need all the help i can get please!!!

    sorry but your equation looks to be completely wrong.
  4. HSM747

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Just curious. With your flowering room setup are the roots not impeded because of the lack of vertical room? Secondly, your roots appear very lanky and not really bushy. Is this simply because of the strain being sativa? Or are there other variables at play? I'm currently in the building...
  5. HSM747

    aeroponics and roots submerging in water

    I would think that a pure aeroponics system would be better. I could be wrong.
  6. HSM747

    aeroponics and roots submerging in water

    Thanks for the input about the drain being possibly clogged. I will take that into consideration. The height issue isn't really a problem because the ceilings are pretty high, and I dont plan to grow 8ft monsters but more numerous shorter plants. An advantage that just came to mind about going...
  7. HSM747

    aeroponics and roots submerging in water

    It seems to me that most aeroponics systems that once the roots become vertically long enough that eventually they become submerged in water. Wouldn't a better design be to have a secondary container to act as the water reservoir? If you watch seemorebuds vol. 1 where they use an aquamist system...
  8. HSM747

    honey oil from wild pollenized marijuana

    Another question I have. What about dirt and sand? Most of the plants being on the side of the road collect dirt on their leaves. Will the hexane dissolve the dirt and end up in the final product or should I clean them? What's the best way to clean them without taking off too many trichomes?
  9. HSM747

    honey oil from wild pollenized marijuana

    Yeah that's cool but It couldn't be that potent because ditch weed trichomes couldn't contain that much THC could it? Hash is afterall just concentrated trichomes. Hmmm These plants I'm talking about are genuine sativas that are like 20 feet tall in the summer. :shock:
  10. HSM747

    honey oil from wild pollenized marijuana

    I've heard people say that as soon as a female plant gets pollenized it stops producing THC and spends all its energy producing seeds, is this true? Then how come in india you can see people hand rubbing hash from wild plants? Next time i'm in india instead of wasting time with hash or smoking...
  11. HSM747

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    man nice beard and is that a kara you're wearing? :-P respect!
  12. HSM747

    hopefully next november, december, or january. i got relatives in haryana. when i'm there we can...

    hopefully next november, december, or january. i got relatives in haryana. when i'm there we can chill and smoke up... ;)
  13. HSM747

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    yeah the problem with the dope that grows wild in india(atleast in the north....i know....not the best indicator of potency, but it's a start) isn't potency i think(because the shit reeks)..but the fact that nobody bothers to remove the males. i don't know about the whole "farmers don't know the...
  14. HSM747

    no i'm canadian of indian(punjabi) origin. i've grown with my friend once outdoors and will be...

    no i'm canadian of indian(punjabi) origin. i've grown with my friend once outdoors and will be starting an indoor operation in the next 2 weeks. btw your plants look great.
  15. HSM747

    thanks so much. just wnted to make sure everything was OK with it. so its made from the buds or...

    thanks so much. just wnted to make sure everything was OK with it. so its made from the buds or do they make it from the crystals? cuz it was packed with crystals.
  16. HSM747

    yeah man thats probably what they called it. bhola, but it sounded like it was pronounced with a...

    yeah man thats probably what they called it. bhola, but it sounded like it was pronounced with a P. i know its made from marijuana... can you please tell me what they put in it? oh yeah it was black but the outside were it dry was a green with dried trichomes all over.
  17. HSM747

    can u please take a look at those pics i posted in ur thread. peace.

    can u please take a look at those pics i posted in ur thread. peace.
  18. HSM747

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    it's pronouced like i spelled it. po-lah for singular, and po-lay for plural. i have some pics so no worries. when i was in india one of my village buddies told me of something available from cigarette stands that was made from pungh(marijuana). when i bought it it looks like a soft chunk of...
  19. HSM747

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    just so everyone knows it doesn't only grow wild in the mountains. it also grows wild in the northern plains of say punjab and haryana... literally all over the place as much as you can grab. i was there like only a month ago. to the 2 indian guys i was wondering have you guys ever heard of...