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  1. ponpulla

    best prepaid card for beans?

    which prepaid did you end up using and did you get your beans???
  2. ponpulla

    How much butter can I make with 7 grams of Arizona bud.

    How did your cannabutter turned out? Post up some pic there always a plus:weed:
  3. ponpulla

    Ballast Burned 600W HELP

    Yeah man i Thought That But I Cant Find The capicotor I need Now... Dry Film 64uf 300avc
  4. ponpulla

    Ballast Burned 600W HELP

    I KNow All that That Man But i Dont have The Money Right At this Moment To Purchase One So I Was Just Wondering if I Do Wire It Without The Capacitor Will It Damage The Other Components In My ballast or It Will Burn Out The Bulb, has Anyone Done This And What is The Down Side, PS. At The...
  5. ponpulla

    Ballast Burned 600W HELP

    AllRight i Checked That Site Out Man Looks Good But They have A Wiring option Thats Like Wiried Without The capicitor And Without The Capictor Whats the Difference And Am i Safe To Do It Without The Capictor Wired With Out The Capictor ^^^^^^ Wired With the Capictor ^^^^^^^ SOURCE...
  6. ponpulla

    Ballast Burned 600W HELP

    Yes Its An HPS I Opened It Check Nothing looks Or Smells burned But Only Thing i can Say Is That When Its On The Case Feels Like Electricty Is Running Thru it.......
  7. ponpulla

    Ballast Burned 600W HELP

    Hello My 600W ballast Make Xtra Sun bas600 Analog Has Burned Out i believe And Need Advice On Where And how To Start To repair It. Any Site Kits Cheap Or Any basic Information Will be Lovely.
  8. ponpulla

    Promte The "BUD" Smell

    [COLOR="White"]I Dont know Man,,,, But i dint try Adding The bud I bought To Help Promaote The Smell i Smoked It So my lil Experiment Went to hell But The Bud Smell Is Comming in A Lil bit Keeping Finger Cross taht the Smell Comes In With A bang[/COLOR]
  9. ponpulla

    Why does my bud look so good, but smells like hay? +rep

    Well I Dont know Man It Was Just not produciing the Bud Smell I Mean Its Nice And Smokeable Just the Bud Smell Was yet to come Out i just Firgured maybe The Curing Was Going to Slow So i though i Spped It Up By un capping it And Putting The bag Paper bag over it So It kinda Cures And It kinda...
  10. ponpulla

    Why does my bud look so good, but smells like hay? +rep

    I had The Same Promblem So Last Night I Figured It Was Curing To Slow So I Just Took The Top Off My jar Left it Open And Put The Jar In A Brown paper Bag With The Lid Off And Rolled the Bag Closed And put Them In the Closet Dark And Wen to Sleep And When i Woke Up this Morning The Bud Smell Is...
  11. ponpulla

    Why does my bud look so good, but smells like hay? +rep

    I Dont Know Man keep Your Hope Up, Me Im feeling Pretty Bummed As Well Mine Is Went from Smelling like Bud To hay And Its Allredy 2 weeks In jar And Only improvement I Smell Is The HAy Smell Getting Lighter But No Bud Smell Comming thru BUt It Looks Good As Fuck Though
  12. ponpulla

    Curning Container Question.

    yeah I read plastic Bad Just for The fact is can Absorb your THc And jar have no Pores to Absorb Anything
  13. ponpulla

    Promte The "BUD" Smell

    Yeah It Was BAG Seed But It Smelt Like Bud Hella Much When It Was Growing But During Harvest And Curing The Bud Smell Slowly left And The Chorlly Smell Or The Hay Smell SHowed Up And Then thats It I think Its Cause This IS My First Time And Its been In jar For About A Lil Over A Week....
  14. ponpulla

    Promte The "BUD" Smell

    NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I Refuse To believe that Lol Thanks For The Quick reply But Ima Try A Throw A Few Nuggets Of Stuff I bought Off Somebody else That Smell Like OHH WEEeee In Too The Jar and See What happens This Will Probably Work i think because I Read When you need To Re...
  15. ponpulla

    Promte The "BUD" Smell

    Hi I Curing My Stuff In A Jar And The hay Smell Is Almost Completely Gone But Their Is No Real Bud Smell At All is Their AnyWay i Can Do To Promte Is Like Do Something To Make The Bud Smell More Apparent Or Is It to Later Already in this Process...
  16. ponpulla

    Want Bag Appeal? Curing Matters

    Uppin For Greatness And Is It Okay To Go From Jar To bag back to jar Then back to bag.. because I had Mines hanging For Like two weeks And they Got Crispy And I jar Em And Then they Got A Lil Moist I thought And then i put Em back in A paper bag Then I jared them Again then Again they got A Lil...