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  1. leetsoup

    Green Out Stories?

    haha this happened about an hour ago to my buddy lol he hit a thirdlung and totally blanked out. his pupiles went massively dialated and he basically lost all coordination. that's a serious case of "greenin' out", we call it. it can be puking, gnarly coughing fits, passing or whiting out as...
  2. leetsoup

    well, leetsauce is a term used by elite gamers *durr* and well, i thought id chance it to...

    well, leetsauce is a term used by elite gamers *durr* and well, i thought id chance it to leetsoup to piss off other good players. My game was counterstrike and i actually made a picture of a terrorist with a spoon held up to his mouth as opposed to a knife in his hand hehe
  3. leetsoup

    Walmart $10 grow lights !!!

    haha no that's simply a high quality picture, borrowed camera off a friend. you don't need to make blows below the belt ya know, you really don't know anything about me lol
  4. leetsoup

    Walmart $10 grow lights !!!

    i'm an advocate for compacts, and use nothing but compacts but.. cfls AND miracle grow? organic sucks? really? i'm gonna have to cross-reference all my sources because i must be doing everything wrong.. ha?
  5. leetsoup

    Help ASAP! After transplant

    time release formulas are most often bad news lol 2 days is nothing, weed is resilient unless you've badly damaged the roots or introduced a drastically different environment, they'll survive
  6. leetsoup

    Transfer and change to 12/12 Q

    Yo, should your transplant go without a hitch and your root mass is perfectly preserved, than your plant is none the wiser as to it's environment (unless rootbound). Don't take my word for it, but I believe that the root mass grows much quicker in veg than in flowering therefor it is not...
  7. leetsoup

    Run in with the Police today...

    unfortunately in Canada, regardless of whether your driving your car, riding a skateboard, walking down the road or simply standing on the street outside your home, if you refuse to provide an identity to a pig this provides grounds to be be detained, hence brought to PD, until an identity can...
  8. leetsoup

    micro DWC

    no, but tin foil reflects MUCH MUCH MORE heat than it does my opinion it's utterly useless. it also has a tendency to direct whatever light it can muster into one tight spot, these are called hotspots. tin foil is extremely inefficient and, when married with certain precise...
  9. leetsoup

    Scrog Bucket yarrrgh!

    I've found out that it's actually a Texeda Timewarp crossed with Purple Pineberry, 2 very significant Bc strains. i call it Pinewarp :)
  10. leetsoup

    Scrog Bucket yarrrgh!

    I like to use a screen very early in growth, very near the lid. this gives me wicked long ass shoots each in their own space. the netpots are 5 inch pots with fair seperation (too lazy to go check exactly). 4 of 6 pots are being used; bermese plants, not all confirmed females. i'll flower...
  11. leetsoup

    Scrog Bucket yarrrgh!

    The scrog bucket is a clone, apparently either Texeda Timewarp or Brainwarp, while the other plants are all from bermese seed.
  12. leetsoup

    Scrog Bucket yarrrgh!

    well, i've currently got a project in anticipation of the winter. i've got a mother bucket which i will grow for clones, which will be grown in a 6 site dwc. plants grown from seed are in each for now.
  13. leetsoup

    Dwc Grow Club

    what'ya say about theses? over a month flowering went from 24/7 to 12/12. im thinkin a week or 2.
  14. leetsoup

    Scrog Bucket yarrrgh!

    sometimes, shortly after you've been rolled over by the giant peach that is life, spontaneously it explodes and we forget our worries as we feast on the finer things in life. thanks for stickin around. A very fair amount of hairs have browned.
  15. leetsoup

    Another root issue :S

    from my experience; used throughout veg, nitrogen sticks have been beneficial.
  16. leetsoup

    250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*

    yo this guys got dank shit goin on, stay tuned. throw down some pics this weekend tom
  17. leetsoup

    Scrog Bucket yarrrgh!

    yo loaded, i appreciate your comments. it is not that i know, but it is simply a theory; and there is nothing better learned than from making mistakes. you have to understand that ive grown without trimming before, and as i mentioned this time around is simply to try something new. i appreciate...
  18. leetsoup

    Great Stoner Quotes

    "Aw that's tight!! I don't like it!" "It's right where it is"
  19. leetsoup

    250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*

    ..and you made a blow below the belt by saying that I had nothing special going on, and that you're unsubscribed. i don't want to look back and see some asswipes negative attitude tainting my perfectly docile journal. there's nothing special going on here, i'm unsubscribed. p.s. nice to see...
  20. leetsoup

    First cfl grow check it out

    from my experience, switching from 24/7 to 12/12 initiates flowering very much faster.