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  1. chalkolate

    Nute Question

    i have that organic choice bone meal by miracle grow. my question is could i possibly mix it in with my water so i dont have to dig in my soil every time i apply it? thanks in advance
  2. chalkolate


    i put sand over top of my soil and it seems to be blocking them
  3. chalkolate

    noob's 1st time - am i doing ok? (pic, descriptions)

    are you giving them anymore than 4 hours of light a day?
  4. chalkolate

    question about baby plant. the leaves?

    its growing...what do you mean what is it going to do next?
  5. chalkolate

    fungus gnats

    these little fuckers are so annoying. are there any home remedies for getting rid of these things?
  6. chalkolate


    i do it all throughout veg but as needed in flowering
  7. chalkolate

    to trip or not to trip...

    true.. i meant is it bad that i wouldnt be spacing out my trips. this next time would be my fourth time in the past 2 months...
  8. chalkolate

    to trip or not to trip...

    so two days ago me and a friend of mine came across some mushies and decided to take them the the following morning. everything was pretty awesome and mellow but bad planning led me to cancel plans with another friend about 4 hours into my trip. it was crazy, i felt so much guilt. lets just say...
  9. chalkolate

    Hard soil

    i germed them into dixie cups and transplanted them to their current pots a little over a month ago
  10. chalkolate

    Hard soil

    recently i had started a new grow and everything is going perfectly:mrgreen: the only thing i was wondering was, is it bad that my soil is really compacted? everytime i water my plants it usually takes a little while for the water to soak in all the way. its like a puddle for a min or...
  11. chalkolate

    im so dumb lol..

    i wish bud made me feel like that
  12. chalkolate

    Should I Flower? (Pics)

    if you're running out of room then i probably would. i had a height issue before and i completely ran out of room where my tops were about on the light
  13. chalkolate

    Baby mush!

    thats awesome, i've always wanted to grow shrooms but never took the time out for it. im getting ready for an and adventure this weekend actually :)
  14. chalkolate

    FREE CFLs!!!!!!!

    i just completed it, thanks a lot :) at the end it says it will be shipped to you within the next 3 weeks
  15. chalkolate

    Chopping my CALI KUSH

    what lights are you using? you have a fan running on her?
  16. chalkolate

    Chopping my CALI KUSH

    is there a reason that it might be in shock? it looks nice but i wouldnt chop just yet.
  17. chalkolate

    Purple fire and purple lavender ?

    never heard of either one. i say grow em out and see what you think
  18. chalkolate

    Weird Question

    that question is self explanatory
  19. chalkolate

    newbie mushroom question

    to grow mushrooms you need spores
  20. chalkolate

    Shrooms first time(right ones?)

    i wouldnt eat those if i were you