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  1. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Real nice asshole! It's people like you that I want to kick the shit out of! Grow up Jerk! I've been growing for 28 years! And you... One day!
  2. B

    Leaves dying in flowering <pic>

    You have two problems going on with your plants. 1. The air in your grow room is to dry. Should be around 25% humidity. 2. Your pH is way off. Get a tester and make sure your pH is at the proper level for the type of grow (soil, roockwool and so on).
  3. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    How about 1lb per week? That is what I average with my set up. But I'm prob. growing more plants at one time per week than you. Each week I add four plants and remove four plants. Starts like this. Starting with an empty grow room...... Week one: 4 plants in. Week two: 4 plants in...
  4. B

    Ionic Nutes

    Looking for growers who use Ionic nutes. I am in need of a grow recipe. The company that used to make my nutes has gone out of business and has left millions of hydro growers high and dry. Any help? Anyone? Thanks!
  5. B

    Hydro Nutrient Challenge

    Can we really trust someone who comes from a trailer park and who has recked many lives. No redemption here Earl!Come on Earl who are you working for? What cop are you tring to get redemption from?