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  1. Bella

    Tet's Tomato

    I hope "my" cuke is doing well ;) And the other plants are looking fabulous! Great job!!!
  2. Bella

    Tet's Tomato

    mmm looks delicious!! Great job tetra!
  3. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Aww beautiful flower TetraHyc :) I love them, they are so pretty. CustomHydro.. yes they do produce male and female flowers, unless of course it's a self pollinating hybrid plant.. which i'm sure have to be out there now for melons too. Here is a link briefly explaining male/female flowers on...
  4. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    I was thinking more along the lines of me damaging the flower before pollination occured when I was using the q-tip. The q-tip was quite large compared to the flower, so I did have to put some extra force just to apply it to the inside of the flower. This paintbrush is perfect size. If they...
  5. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Day 83 Well the cucumbers that were on my plant shriveled up and died, so I am now trying to use a paint brush to pollinate instead of a q-tip. I did this last night and today, and my new female flowers are already starting to wilt. I'm hoping this is a good sign :) I also cleaned out my...
  6. Bella

    Bell Peppers In My Room

    Those look great!!!! Bet you can't wait to try one :) Goodjob!
  7. Bella

    Bitter Cucumbers

    I have read that if you have a hybrid/all female cucumber plant, it can form male flowers when stressed. If these male flowers pollinate your female flowers, it can make the fruit become bitter. check your seed package. If it says they are Hybrid/F1 seeds... then pick off all male flowers that...
  8. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Awww, thanks guys :) <3
  9. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Day 74 Well things seem to be going good :). I flushed my reservoir the other day, and like I said put a bit of fertilizer and molasses in it. I made sure to mix the molasses in boiling hot water so it wouldn't clog up my air tubes... so far, so good. You'll see in the root shot that the water...
  10. Bella

    DP tree - Est. yield 150 lb.

    mmmm those look really good. Planning on sharing with all of us :p ??
  11. Bella

    Moss From Woods

    Uhhh if your grow is outside, then I guess moss could be acceptable. If your indoors I'd advise highly against bringing in outdoor moss.. wouldn't want unwanted insects in your grow room.
  12. Bella

    Bell Peppers In My Room

    LOL, I just read this now. You guys are freaking hilarious. Much Love <3 Soooo Mjetta since I choose to keep my grow going, how is that little pepper you were talking about coming along???
  13. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Day 70 Here are the pics!! I think I'm going to keep it going. I found at least 4 female flowers on my plant. 2 of them I just pollinated. The other 2-3 have yet to open. I'm planning on flushing out the reservoir today. Fresh new water for my baby may help. I'm also going to add just a...
  14. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Sorry.. lol Stresssss in my life right now, I've been reading the posts, just haven't found the time to post yet. I have NO idea if you could grow a carrot in a dwc. Worth a shot eh? Before I let my cat eat my cucumber plant.. it was a few days. I just went back in and the leaves at the top...
  15. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to attempt. I have seeds for green onions, dill, peas, carrots... maybe carrots? Could be interesting. lol
  16. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Well guys I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but my cucumber plant is headed very down hill :( ... my newly formed and pollinated female flowers turned black and shriveled up. The leaves of the plant have started to turn yellow with some brown areas. I believe due to the plant finally...
  17. Bella


    Why are you feeding it vitamins meant for humans? Not to sound rude, but will that actually work?
  18. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    why of course! Bella's cucumbers for sale... lol and yes I did. Used twine for the trellis, and just a regular dwc/rubbermaid set up.
  19. Bella

    Cucumber DWC grow

    Day 56 These are pics taken from the night after pollinating. Today I went in to look and the flowers on the cukes are starting to wilt and die. Apparently this is a sign that the pollination worked :) I'm sure crossing my fingers. I'm planning on cleaning out my reservoir tonight and filling...
  20. Bella


    Looks quite a bit over watered as well. Let that soil dry out more before the next water.