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  1. P

    "Big Bud" Problem.Sudden Die Off

    Lost the plant, so i disected it. I run an ebb and gro, buckets, and just slid across floor about a foot. However, when I took it apart, looks like i broke it at its base. It was about 5 ft. tall.
  2. P

    res problems, milky white with stuff floating around

    Does it look like the "ectoplasm" stuff on ghostbusters? I just ran into the same stuff in my cloner and my res. No smell to it, but it clogged my cloner and killed my little guys. No idea what the hell it is though. Been doing this for 3 years and never ran into it before in cloner. Using...
  3. P

    "Big Bud" Problem.Sudden Die Off

    Only thing I can think of is that i moved them the day before and i may have dmaged it. Only moved it about a foot though.
  4. P

    "Big Bud" Problem.Sudden Die Off

    Always. Its right at 5.8. Like I said, the others are perfect. Have had this occur in the past.
  5. P

    "Big Bud" Problem.Sudden Die Off

    I've been growing Sensi Big Bud for about a year. Every so often, I will get a perfect plant just suddenly start to die in bloom no matter what I do. have 4 or 5 others goign out of the same res., and they are fine. Wondering if anyone else experienced this and what it might be? Thanks!!!
  6. P

    T5 2ft., 4 Bulb enough for 1 Mother?

    Getting ready to make small cabinet for one mother plant. No experience with CFL. Was wondering if one T5 2 foot four bulb fixture would be sufficient? Thanks!
  7. P

    Bud Blood Experiences

    New to this so..... sloeginfizz when you say your using general hydro nuts at full blooming phase solution of 1/2/3, what exzctly does that mean? Im guessing the ratio for mixing nutes. How do you break that down? ie 8 ml per..........? thanks!
  8. P

    Advanced nutrients

    New to this so please bear with me. With Xan2 response and recommendations, are these in addition to regular nutes or in place of? Don't know what all those are. Thanks.
  9. P


    Didn't know if just difference between different strains.
  10. P


    Quick question, why do some buds i have seen and felt from other people seem soft and almost spongy? Mine tend to be more crisp and stiff. I am not overdrying. Any ideas? thanks!