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  1. Ganjaman27

    Changing light cycle NEED HELP

    ive got 3 seedlings under 24 hour light and i want to change to 18/6 to try and stimulate more growth, they are 3 weeks old and only have thier 3rd set of leaves, barely growing in. can i change them directly to 18/6 by turning the off for 6 them on for 18 and so on or do i need to do something...
  2. Ganjaman27

    COCO coir in DWC???

    can i use Coco coir fiber as a growing medium in a DWC system i juyst built?
  3. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    didnt get the pics in last time
  4. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    ok heres the nutes im using alll with the coco coir fiber in 2 gallon potsd the Grow nutes(green) total nitrogen 2.4% nitrate nitrogen 1.9% ammonium N. 0.5% phosphorous 0.65% potassium 3.6% magnesium 0.55% Bloom nutes(pink) total nitrogen 0.0%??? phosphoprous 5.0% potassium 4.0% magnesium...
  5. Ganjaman27

    how exactly do you water coco fiber??

    im gonna use coco coir fiber in 2 gallon pots how EXACTLY do i go about watering them when they need watering?
  6. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    c stands for ceramic, im using a ceramic metal halide bulb heres what the spectrum looks like
  7. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    i forgot to ask...thier in miracle grow right now but i want to move them to my coco how would i go about doing that safely without damaging any roots? i dont want to shock them so should i flush the coco fiber in nute water?
  8. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    would a 400wCMH work for them?
  9. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    ive got a big expandable bale of cononut coir fiber friom Down to earth distributors. And im using Hydro nutrients from a a private hydro store owner...kinda..thing...who makes his own nutes but ive never used them so i dont really know how they will work. My lil babies are about 2 weeks old...
  10. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    can i use strictly coco coir? without mixing it with ANYTTHING?(perlite,worm castings etc)
  11. Ganjaman27

    Fan on lights?

    Ive got a 400 ceramic metal halide and thank youi
  12. Ganjaman27

    Quick Lighting Question...

    I might end up doin that in the end if this grow or maybe the next one dont work to well, i wanna try at least twice
  13. Ganjaman27

    Fan on lights?

    Would a fan directed on a CMH bulb in a batwing hood be sufficient enought to cool it if i cant cool with a tube or anything?
  14. Ganjaman27

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Edmonds beach walk a mile down the train tracks to a secluded beach only out for an hour during low tide...sun blazin...blunt blazin,...good times
  15. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    whats your set up?
  16. Ganjaman27

    Ceramic metal halide users???

    Does ANYONE use ceramic metal halide bulbs???
  17. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    how often should i water them?
  18. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I totally misled you guys, im not using a hydro system im just gonna grow them on a drain table. Dude at the store told me to take a big bucket of my nutrient ph'd water and pour it through the that right? if not what would be the right method? and how much?
  19. Ganjaman27

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Im brand new to growing, on my first grow. Im deciding to use coconut coir fiber, i was convinced by the owner of the hydro store i go to. if imn growing 3 plants under one 400w Ceramic metal halide in two gallon pots how many times a day/week should i flush my plants? and this water needs to...
  20. Ganjaman27

    Quick Lighting Question...

    I really wanna use the CHM cause i dont really wanna have to bother with switching out the bulbs and possibly breakin somethin or screwin up the cycle and having to buy two bulbs since the spectrum allows me to use it for both stages, all stages i guess, plus i already got one the one named...