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  1. yaboi91


    never herd of it..
  2. yaboi91


    okay so here is the problem.. i was growing some bag seed i had and i had 5 plants but crazy enough one just happened to be a male :( i really didnt catch it till about 2 weeks in to flower and it had pollen sacks all over.. is there anyway that i can stop the production of seeds? i can tell...
  3. yaboi91

    question outdoor growers

    oh yeah man that sounds like a beast plant i was just hoping it didnt like hurt them any. they have some pretty big buds on them. they are just bag seed but they look nice.
  4. yaboi91

    question outdoor growers

    i think its going to be like close to 70 tomorrow but partly cloudy. i am just worried
  5. yaboi91

    question outdoor growers

    hey i have a question regarding the forecast for this week in the mid west. Its going to be on average 47 for the low would that have any stress on my outdoor plants?
  6. yaboi91

    what you guys think?

    lol i will have the pics up when i harvest.. and yes zerran elar :P
  7. yaboi91

    what you guys think?

    thanks man :D
  8. yaboi91

    what you guys think?

    i am hoping to get close to a 1/4 lb. but not sure yet and these are only 2 of my 3 that are that big.
  9. yaboi91

    what you guys think?

    First pic is of my purple bag seed i just started growing. This is only my second year growing and i am happy to come across this mother.. Second pic is of her main cola... Third pic is of my two girls budding as you can see the purple is huge compared to my other bag seed.. The last pic is of...
  10. yaboi91

    any idea what strain?

    i have a plant out doors and it only has 3 leafs on each fan leaf. any idea what this might be it also is purple with purple trichs. i will have pics tomorrow.
  11. yaboi91

    need some input on my grow

    is there anything i can use around the house for nutes i am just growing in some potting soil that i had laying around. my girl is in the 3rd going on 4th week of flower. i am running 2 32w cfls and one 13w any sugestions?
  12. yaboi91

    damn theives

    open a speaker box up
  13. yaboi91

    i don't care if ppl know where i live they dont know what city lol. and they don't know where my...

    i don't care if ppl know where i live they dont know what city lol. and they don't know where my babys are!
  14. yaboi91

    Question on making tea????

    well i am sure i can handle the taste lol. i have drank worse things then cannabis lol.
  15. yaboi91

    Question on making tea????

    damn hell yeah. that is sweet thats what i want hahaha.
  16. yaboi91

    Question on making tea????

    ight i was thinking about the same i was just going to put about 2 cups of milk and a teaspoon of oil just to be sure.. i also read you can put some regular tea bags in it to give it a better taste so i think thats what i am going to do. Thanks alot for the info man i am new to cooking i usually...
  17. yaboi91

    Question on making tea????

    oh i have alot lol. at least like 3oz of fans and stems. i put them in the blender so a fine chop so i am hoping i get pretty good high.
  18. yaboi91

    Question on making tea????

    thanks man i didnt know if they just grow in with the plant or not because it wasnt in flower so i didnt know thanks alot.
  19. yaboi91

    Question on making tea????

    Hey guys i have a couple questions concering how to make tea... To make a long story short me n my best bud found a 5.5 foot plant and we made like 20 clones but we kept the stems and fan leaves. My question is if we make tea with the fan leaves and stems will we even get a buz? i did it the...
  20. yaboi91

    Found a MOnster!!!

    lol zerran elar man how are the clones looking?