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  1. akadog

    can i trim during flower???

    my plants hav sort of over growin my grow space an the only light they get is from the top so cant relly add side lighting.
  2. akadog

    can i trim during flower???

    i'm in my 3rd week of flower an i was wondering could i trim the new shoots on branches in close to the main stem an ones that arent gettin much light? would it benifit or harm my plant?? any advice welcome
  3. akadog

    first week 12/12 serious growth!!...guess on yeild?

    can u have to many nodes? like i have one every inch is that to many for the plant to cope with to produce good bud on each of them?? would it be a god idea to top now?
  4. akadog

    first week 12/12 serious growth!!...guess on yeild?

    ive only a small closet grow only havin the room for two plants at the min. i was hopin 2oz per plant but its maybe wishful thinking
  5. akadog

    first week 12/12 serious growth!!...guess on yeild?

    cant really remember but i think 6 weeks veg or so from seed. and its g13's w/w, ive read some different opinions about this seed bank but that was after i bought them anyways they look good to me so i guess every1 to there own
  6. akadog

    first week 12/12 serious growth!!...guess on yeild?

    any guesses on yeild any1?
  7. akadog

    first week 12/12 serious growth!!...guess on yeild?

    ive just changed these girls to 12/12 about 5 days ago and they hav grew vigorously both up and out! growing far faster now than when i had them on 24/0! i was wondering do they keep up this rate for the whole 8 weeks or so cause i'll def run out of room for them! also any1 one wanna throw a...
  8. akadog

    couch lock

    thanks guys, slyder sounds good but ive read a couple of bad reviews about the plant although the stone is good
  9. akadog

    couch lock

    i want a total couch lock real heavy on the eyelids, cant even be bothered to speak strain for my next grow. ive been reading up alot on the net but cant seem to decide on witch one to go with, heres some: afghan northen lights ice warlock white rhino g13(but a bit expensive) anybody growing...
  10. akadog


    Alibongo is good and its free delivery on seeds:hump:
  11. akadog

    300w cfl or 400w mh

    so what use think of the 300w envirolite? would it be ok???
  12. akadog

    300w cfl or 400w mh

    i should of stated this guys:wall::wall:
  13. akadog

    300w cfl or 400w mh

    i do mean a 300w envirolite.. you can get them on ebay i was lookin at them this mornin
  14. akadog

    300w cfl or 400w mh

    am thinking i need a veg closet for a motherplant an some clones an was wondering what would be best or has anyone been using a 300w cfl could tell me wot they think. or just stick wit the mh cause thats wot am using at the min, just changing to hps in flowering?
  15. akadog

    outside strain for uk an ireland????

    thanks guys, these look promising:bigjoint:
  16. akadog

    outside strain for uk an ireland????

    any one know a good strain to grow outside in the uk, thats gonna stand the cold and rain? high mould resistant i would think aswel. any ideas guys?
  17. akadog

    thai super skunk in ireland??

    yea thats wot i was worried about, especialy as the thai strain takes 14 weeks to flower
  18. akadog

    thai super skunk in ireland??

  19. akadog

    how can i higher my ph?

    the white powder lime i'm talking about that farmers use in there fields. could try wood ash if not
  20. akadog

    how can i higher my ph?

    if i put some lime in water and watered my plants wit it would it higher my ph an not harm the plants??