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  1. htc

    Grow Tower... You guys think this will work?

    C'mon guys, if anyone has experience growing, please give me your opinion.
  2. htc

    Grow Tower... You guys think this will work?

    I've been trying to design a grow setup to maximize the potential of the limited space I have available. I think this system (if it works) would maximize ouput and minimize space and electricity used. The box dimensions are roughly 8' diameter and 6' tall. On top of the box would be a...
  3. htc

    Marijuana as a Resource Could Blow Our Economy Out of It's Recession

    The following is an informative speech I gave in my Public Speaking class a few weeks ago. I was nervous as to the reaction of my audience, but was applauded when I finished. Periodically through my speech I noticed my professors eyes bugging out in amazement. I know it's kind of long, but it...