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    I have 2, 3 ft. widow plants growing indoors. We want to switch them to the flowering stage, but need help with 1. what type of lights do we need? and 2. Does anyone know a good place in so cal. where we can purchase them? Thank you.
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    Durban Poison and Purple Power Outdoors

    i will put up some pics later tonite. They look good but there are way more crystals on the durban than the purple power
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    Durban Poison and Purple Power Outdoors

    I have 2 durban poison and 2 purple power plants growing outside. They are about 7 feet tall each but I dont know when they might be ready. I have a microscope and the trichs are still clear. I live in so-cal so if anyone has any info that could give me an estimate on when it may be done. Thanks
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    Why are my Purple Power not Purpling??

    I got 2 6 foot purple power plants and they are budding all over. I got em feminized from marijuana seeds nl. They have reddish hairs all over em but i dont see any purple yet. They have about 3 weeks left. Do they start to purple at the end? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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    Wind a Problem???

    I have a master kush plant growin outside in a 7 gallon pot. Its been doin fine til it got really windy!!! F-ing Santa anas i guess. I have it tied up but the buds got blown sideways. The plant looks different but none of the branches have cracked. Do u think it will be ok? I think there is at...
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    Plants are getting white spots and dark brown leaves! Pics!

    i think the white spots may be bird shit. Mine get shit on quite a bit being under a tree.
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    Turning purple yet?

    i am also growin 2 purple power plants and i live in so cal. They are also gettin some beefy ass colas but no purple color. Maybe a few more weeks. Good luck
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    How does she look????

    This is a master kush plant I am growing in a 7 gallon bucket. She has a little leaf curling and yellowing so i added a little epsom salt and it is getting better. My question is how many more weeks do u think? And is four ounces harvest asking too much? Thanks
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    Does drying bud smell alot????

    im growin outdoors n hopefully this will be my first real harvest! I just dont want any company for a minimum of 2 weeks
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    Last 2 weeks! Should i water?

    i water 2 times a week. I have a microscope so i may stop watering after the trichomes start to amber. I just dont want to screw it up rite at the end. It would devestate my psyche. lol
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    Last 2 weeks! Should i water?

    So my plants are gettin close to being done. I think 4 weeks or so and a fellow grower friend of mine told me not to water at all for the last 2 weeks!! I heard that it is good to let em dry out a little but I am not sure leaving them without water for 2 weeks is a good idea. If anyony has any...
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    Flushin With Doo Doo Water

    its more like stagnant pond water. The stuff is great for my girls cuz they are 8 feet tall. This is my first grow and i am really surprised how big they got! I have been feeding them bloombooster once a week and molasses 2 times a week. I think they have about 4 weeks left. Not sure though...
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    Flushin With Doo Doo Water

    thats what im sayin!!! i know it has a lot of doo doo but i dont know if the bud will still taste good after I flush. Its durban poison and i have 2 8 footers. I figured if i cured properly I would be ok.
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    Does drying bud smell alot????

    I plan on harvesting in about 4 weeks and there will be about 2 pounds hopefully of bud drying in my upstairs room. My question is how can I smell proof the room so i can still have people over? Thanks
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    Flushin With Doo Doo Water

    So i have 2 plants growin away from my home. The only water available is runoff that smells terrible. They have had no problem growing but my question is this water ok to use during the flushing process? Any info would be great thanks
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    Something Chewing on Stems

    ya im pretty sure they are grasshoppers. My plants r starting to bud so i have stopped using neem oil n a fukn grasshopper cut my plant in half. I found a bunch of em and i dont kno if I can still use neem oil without screwing up the bud. They blend in so good. Do u kno if it is still ok to...
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    7 footers!!!!!!!!!

    I got 2 purple power plants in a great spot. Its basically the start of august and my question how much taller will they get? I dont mind how tall they get im just curious. Also how much can a top cola give? I heard they can give several ounces. Again just curious. Thanks for the info
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    When do I switch to flowering fertilizer?

    thanks for the info. I will start the flowering food when I see the flowers.
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    When do I switch to flowering fertilizer?

    Im a so cal grower and I noticed little hairs on my 2 purple power plants. They are outside in the ground and 6 feet tall. I can barely see the little hairs and my question is when do I switch from vegatative fert to flowering fert? Please help
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    Who has the biggest yield for 1 plant???

    if you dont want to answer the question please do not post.