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  1. 42iq

    need help, early veg, DWC

    hello, it's been awhile since i've been around this site, but i've found when i've had a problem before i got help real quick... so, here goes... 4 plants in DWC garden. fluorescent lights (for now), fox farm nutes... my problem(s) are this, for some reason the strongest plant's got sum...
  2. 42iq

    my 1st DWC attempt

    thanx for the advice earl. yes i think my issue may have been the ph as my meter sucks i don't think i was getting a true reading... it seemed like i was pouring half the friggin bottle of minus in and only managed to get the ph to drop from above 7 to right at 6... i guess i should probably...
  3. 42iq

    my 1st DWC attempt

    so, transplanted the sprouts into the system today... one seems just fine, but the other seems to be having sum trouble adjusting. within 20 mins of being in the system the top leaves started to curl. the other leaves seem to be fine, and the sprout's still standing up, just the curled top...
  4. 42iq

    my 1st DWC attempt

    DOH! :wall: long story short, in the words of Arnie from What's eating Gilbert Grape, "I killed 'em Gilbert...":wall: my dumb ass drowned them... no worries tho, not that anyone's paying attention, but i got new seeds goin, put em in the lil starter monday, i think... and they're starting to...
  5. 42iq

    my 1st DWC attempt

    here's my journal, this is my first attempt at DWC, so if anyone sees anything that i do wrong please don't hesitate to correct me, and thank you in advance... ok so, where to begin? I'll start by stating the obvious, i'm a complete newb to anything having to do w/plants, but this year i...
  6. 42iq

    1st try w/cfls, a lil help please

    the greenhouse thing wasn't a real greenhouse, it was one of those seed starters that u put ur seeds in the lil hole then put the "greenhouse" clear plastic lid on top and let the seeds sprout.
  7. 42iq

    1st try w/cfls, a lil help please

    my plant, i call her lucy, is about 25 days away from done. she's just a lil experiment to see if i could get it done. so far everything's gone fairly well. a lil background: she started in one of those lil greenhouse things you can get at home depot. she stretched out really bad until i...
  8. 42iq

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    i read a post on here once, don't remember where exactly, but this guy ran a sort of styrofoam cooler air conditioning system. basically put a fan in the top of a cheap styrofoam cooler w/ice in it and ran a duct to the air intake... just a thought... sweet set up btw