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  1. MsHemiPlants

    Just sharing a recent NYCDxG13 pic...

    NYCD x G13
  2. MsHemiPlants

    Growing outdoors/legal q's

    It is illegal to have seeds sent to you in the US. You can do it, however, it still remains illegal.
  3. MsHemiPlants

    Sick girl please help!!!pics

    Try testing PH... if not PH.... try magnesium. Start there. Good Luck.
  4. MsHemiPlants

    needs problem solving help

    lol @ stick a fork in her. If I were you, I wouldn't take the risk on that. The next realllllly nice kind bag I got, I'd pop 2 beans and start there.
  5. MsHemiPlants

    About to start my first grow, could use a few pointers from anyone experienced!

    just keep an eye on temp, and you'll be all set. :)
  6. MsHemiPlants

    My Second OutDoor Grow

    NICE Dr! I FAIL at outdoor, EVERY TIME! Sooooo, next year I'm going with all clones. :O)
  7. MsHemiPlants

    My Second OutDoor Grow

    Nice Dr! I tried an outdoor this year.. they all got about 4 inches and fell over! Come tend my garden, we could build you a hut!!
  8. MsHemiPlants

    My bowl is stuck in my female piece glass on glass

    soak in rubbing alcohol. That should solve any issue.
  9. MsHemiPlants

    New before Harvest Pics... 60 days..

    It's Man. Valley Thunderfuck that happened to shift purple. lol, odd but purdy!:weed:
  10. MsHemiPlants

    New before Harvest Pics... 60 days..

    Well, it's Man. Valley Thunderfuck. I have Mom, and Mom isn't purple at all.... so, I don't know what shifted but, as long as doesn't hurt the stone, all is well. :bigjoint::bigjoint:
  11. MsHemiPlants

    New before Harvest Pics... 60 days..

    ... bongsmilie
  12. MsHemiPlants

    my plant is too bushy

    Relax... she looks good. The 3 fingers is kinda odd. Never seen that before... but otherwise, she looks healthy. Once you throw her into bloom she will sprout another 2 feet. Good Luck.
  13. MsHemiPlants

    Do i have a girl yet (pics)?

    Looks to me like you might have a hair or 5 there. Watch for nuts, those are males. Hairs, Female.
  14. MsHemiPlants

    PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! Bud.. looks weird!

    LOL @ you forgetting the cotton ball. :clap: I'd smoke some... that's the only thing that's going to tell you. Good Luck!!
  15. MsHemiPlants

    Talk about a buzz kill...

    So, I'm straining my butter mix I've had going for about 4 hours... I turned around with my strainer and knocked the entire thing on the floor in the kitchen. Talk about a slippery stinky, OMFGOSH of a situation. Booooooo!! :wall::finger:
  16. MsHemiPlants

    when to put in jars?

    Well, make sure your buds aren't too moist. Object is to prevent mold, etc... while keeping the ooey-gooey! Feel and you shall find. :O)
  17. MsHemiPlants


    1000w HPS is the way I would go. Depending on your space and venting that is.
  18. MsHemiPlants

    if you have aim, ill help you, they knew nothing..

    if you have aim, ill help you, they knew nothing..
  19. MsHemiPlants

    Harvest Results / Subcools FLAVE

    Oh it is. :O) Subs stuff always seems to turn out great. No disappointment.