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  1. F

    Brown bumps with sap in them and harvesting time dangerously close I'm absolutely positive that it is these pests. I just scraped them off the stalk of the plant, hopefully they didn't do any serious damage.
  2. F

    Brown bumps with sap in them and harvesting time dangerously close

    So I'm gonna fathom I'm about a week or two from harvesting this baby. Couple questions though, brown bumps on main stem, anyone ever had that problem? I took a couple bumps off to examine them and they were filled with sap. Anybody know if this is a bad thing? Also I've got black spots on my...
  3. F

    Time to flower

    So it's time for my baby plant that remains to flower. It's about 1.5-2 feet tall, I have the plant under one CFL light. My question is: How many watts should I have for this size plant, and what is good way to increase my yield?
  4. F

    Are my plants stunt-fucked?

    So I have another question, is it at all a good idea to be taking the top bud off the plant? I have a canopy with flowering bud and that's about it. If I take that top off would it continue to grow or is that only for the veg cycle?
  5. F

    Are my plants stunt-fucked?

    So when is a good time to be leaving them out, I do realize that it's the beginning of spring and days are still getting longer?
  6. F

    Are my plants stunt-fucked?

    Alright, So I've been searching around on the forums but I thought I just fill you guys in and get some pictures up to see if you can diagnose what's going on. So this is my first grow, I started out with 8 seeds ended up with three plants after some mishaps and males. So here's a brief...