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  1. TonyK22

    My role as a Junior Mod. Nice to meet you all.

    Hey congrats Kitty
  2. TonyK22

    Do my roots look okay?

    Lets see a new pic man. Hope your babies are doing better now. Definatly cant hurt to give it some Vit B too
  3. TonyK22

    Help Male or not?

    Thanks everyone. I guess we'll wait and see.
  4. TonyK22

    Help Male or not?

    A little help? This is a pic from my brother he thinks its a male. I would agree but why only one ball on each side? Its a week into flower but was looking the same in veg. Its atomic jam. Please help.
  5. TonyK22

    PH dropping after 24 hrs??!!

    I'm having the same problem, using Advanced Nutrients sensi a&b. I change water add my nutes and adjust ph to 5.8. 24hrs later its at about 4. Adjust again to 5.8 and 24hrs later 4 again. DWC 4 buckets with a 50 liter res. Pineapple Kush. The only difference in this grow besides the PK is I...
  6. TonyK22

    Pruning Styles?

    Use the advanced search at the top of your page. This has been a very popular topic over the years, I'm sure you'll find everything you need there.
  7. TonyK22


    Hey all. Has anyone ever heard of SeaSoil. I know its sold all over the pacific northwest. And I've used it for years for all tree's and shrubs But not for MJ. Just curious if anyone has any experience growing with it.
  8. TonyK22

    26 watt CFL grow! doin real good commin into week 4 of flowerr

    Nice F@#*ing work buddy. unreal for one cfl. Keep growin man you'll do well.
  9. TonyK22

    why do my buds seem sorta small?

    What are your temps like? and how many hours of direct sunlight are they getting?
  10. TonyK22

    SuperThrive for clones

    I've been using superthrive for years, the BEST vit b ever. I just use maybe 3 drops per gallon for all my young plants and through veg. But like urban says, don't use during bloom. It may have side effects. But I use it for all other stages of growth, it's awsome for transplanting, helps...
  11. TonyK22

    Little help hydro. What is this?

    Any help please?
  12. TonyK22

    Little help hydro. What is this?

    Here is a pic of a 3 week old plant from seed. I've got 4 going in hydro no nutes yet. they will come tomorrow. But this morning I get up and 2 of the plants have this weird browning starting in the middle of the leaf. Any Idea what it is? I haven't checked ph in a couple days but it was about...
  13. TonyK22

    starting seeds? dont wanna ruin again!!!

    I've just started my new year grow with seeds (had to bud mom out befor the holidays) I put 5 seeds in 5.8 ph (Not sure if that is really important) water, for 18-24 hours, then between paper towels and small plates, keep em really moist but not soaking in water. Within 24 hours all had pooped...
  14. TonyK22

    rooting gel on seeds and seedlings

    I've got 5 seedlings just poking out of rockwool today 3 of them are equal in size, I'm going to put a little gel on one and see what happens. You've got me interested.
  15. TonyK22

    anyone use BC Seeds

    If you mean bc bud depot. then yeah I have ordered from them. Took them almost 3 weeks to get here??? Depends where "here is I guess.
  16. TonyK22

    help...1 pot 2 seeds

    I agree with "nanskies". If they have been in soil for more than a day at most let em grow a bit. I've transplanted from soil to rockwool succsesfully in the past (not recomended). I'd wait till they are a couple inch's tall at least, then maybe use a knife through the middle of the soil between...
  17. TonyK22

    Sexy Seeds?

    I totally know what your asking. Me and my old lady love hitting the Bong then hitting the freaky. One of my all time fav's is the legendary Jack Herer.
  18. TonyK22

    DIY clone machine

    Thanks For the link man.
  19. TonyK22

    HUGE indoor JACK HERER plants...8ft tall with pics

    Thanks thats what I figured. I'l Give her a month or so. And those digi balasts have gotton alot cheaper, I got a LUMATEK, It's great. $125.00 CAD
  20. TonyK22

    HUGE indoor JACK HERER plants...8ft tall with pics

    I haven't started a journal yet but I think I might, If I do I'll send you a link. And ya in that room just the 4 plants. I've got some purple kush in soil right now and I may keep one of those for a mom they are just small right now Iwas planning on putting them outside. Also 400mh right now...